Page 133 of Moon Cursed

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Come on out, wolf side. I could use a nice blackout right about now.

Especially if it was like the last one, where the other person ended up dead.

He gets the door unlocked and pulls it open.

“I need a bathroom break,” I blurt.

“Get in,” he commands.

Oh fuck. It’s like that, is it?

I move into the dark room, turning once I’m inside, afraid to have my back turned to him.

He leans in close, and I jump back reflexively.

He smirks as he pushes the door closed. “Sweet dreams, Omega.”

I’m left alone in darkness, listening to him lock me in the room.

I hadn’t thought of option number three. Lock the dangerous Omega up.

It’s much preferable to the other options, but I’d really like to be able to at least see where I am. I step toward the door and start feeling around for a light switch. I try not to panic when my fingers feel nothing around the door. I inch my way around the room, keeping my breathing calm and steady. At least I’m alone. I hope.

Chapter Eighty-Two


Mabeldoesn’tsoundpleasedwhen I finally get through to her on the phone. It took a couple hours after we traced Oscar to make sure he was in Limestone Ridge to get given a time slot from the Council of Witches to speak to her for a fixed five minutes. Apparently, she’s as busy as she said she was.

“Please, don’t tell me you have another way to exonerate your guilty boyfriend.”

Of course she believes he killed that girl. A past vision she showed us proved that he did it. She’s not used to having her work questioned. It’s no wonder she’s mad.

“I’m sorry to take up more of your time. I’ll get straight to the point. Georgia left a note behind with her kid when she took off. She lied to you because she’s afraid, and she’s written that her Alpha has already sold Oscar on. I can send you an image of the note…”

“No,” she says firmly, making my teeth clench and my heart sink.

“I’m not making this up, and I don’t expect you to help us get our Omega back. It’s just… If Georgia’s telling the truth, then this Alpha has done this before. Who knows how many times?”

She hasn’t hung up. I can hear her cursing under her breath. It takes a few seconds for her to respond. “You can’t send me that note. It could get that girl Georgia killed. This is highly unusual, but I clock off before midnight. I’ll make contact with The Fates and get back to you afterwards.”

“You will?” I can’t believe it. My stomach flutters. This could free Oscar without starting a fight.

“Don’t get too excited,” she says. “Time has no meaning to The Fates. I’m not sure when I’ll get back from their realm. Days can pass here when I’ve only been gone hours. A minute here can constitute a week over there. It’s not something I can do lightly, or often.”

“I appreciate your help so much,” I tell her.

She sighs. “I knew this case was going to be a pain in my ass.”

She hangs up without another word. I stop pacing in the hallway and step into lounge, slipping my cell phone into my pocket.

“She’s going to speak to The Fates.”

Rachel’s eyes widen. Everett blinks at me.

“The Fates?” Noah asks, his voice full of awe. “They designate true mates.”

“And they know Oscar’s mine,” I tell him. “This is a good thing. They’ll know he didn’t do it.”
