Page 132 of Moon Cursed

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Real trouble. And I don’t even know what flavor it is.

This Alpha is either basically emotionless A.K.A. a stone-cold psychopath, or he’s being extremely careful to conceal what he’s feeling. Most likely it’s one of those a little of column B, a whole heap of column A situations. Which doesn’t exactly bode well for my future.

The guy is sketchy as fuck. He had his pack stake out our territory and who the hell knows what he did to make me attack that girl. He definitely engineered this whole thing.

“I’m sorry about Alyssa,” I tell him, watching his face.

His eyes stay blank, his expression unmoved. “Who?”

“The dead girl. You know. The reason I’m standing here in your grand hallway instead of lying in bed with my mate right now.”

“Alyssa Morgan was deeply troubled. She would have found a way to get herself killed with or without your help,” he says, not taking his eyes off me as he locks the door. “And you no longer have a mate. At least, not until your new master decides otherwise.”

Oh, this is so much worse than I thought. The guys speaks about himself in third person? Eew.

“Cheryl is the only mate I’ll ever have. Regardless of the shit you put me through. She’s the only person I’ll ever belong to. Whatever ‘my new master’ decides.”

He smirks. “He’s going to enjoy breaking you in. That attitude is priceless.”

I give him a bored look. “So, this is why you didn’t let that Beta hit me.”

He wants to smack me around himself. Sick fuck.

“Whips, chains, fists, claws. What’ll it be? If you think you can shock me, you’re sorely mistaken.”

I indulged in a whole bunch of random smutty kinks and fetishes before I knew I had a true mate. With anyone who’d have me, and as often as damned possible. It was fucking desperate. I was desperate. I hadn’t known what I was looking for until I stopped.

“Follow me,” he commands, using his Alpha voice.

Ugh. It’s like Everett’s pissed off face in stereo. It fucking stings.

“You don’t need to treat me like a dog. I’m not going to bite you.”

He ignores me, walking past me.

I follow him because I have to.

My head hurts from the command, even once I’m following it.

Everett and Cheryl don’t pull this shit. They know it’s a dick move.

I fucking hate this guy. His house is awesome, but he’s the worst.

I follow him along a corridor that feels like it’s never going to end.

Eventually, he stops outside a door.

There are a set of keys in his hand.

I start to get nervous.

Is he actually going to want to fuck me? No. No way. There’s no way this guy’s not straight as an arrow. I have excellent gaydar. He’s not even a tiny little bit Bi-curious.

If this isn’t a sex thing, what is it, exactly? He’s a psycho. He might just want to flay me alive and eat my skin, or something like that. Seems more his style. It would fucking hurt, but I’d probably survive, if I shifted quickly enough to heal the damage. It’s slightly preferable to the first option.

Christ. I’d rather be skinned alive than go to bed with this creep.

That’s fucked the hell up. I need to learn how to fight.

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