Page 152 of Moon Cursed

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“His sister’s a necromancer?”

“Yeah. Kelly’s a necromancer. She lives in Scotland now, but he’s going to give her a call.”

“Did the woman tell Silas who she is?”

“Nope. She said she would come to you when he figured out how to let you see her.”

“What was she wearing? Did he notice anything else about her?”

“I can text to ask, or call him if you want to speak to him?”

“It might be nothing,” I say, “but Vi had a dream about a woman in a blue dress. She had dark hair.”

“Was that before we found her wandering outside?”

I nod. “We’re not sure it’s linked, and it’s better not to say anything to Vi right now. She’s already upset about Oscar, and I’d rather not worry her more if we don’t have to.”

“Right,” Rachel agrees. “Did she blackout?”

“She doesn’t remember going outside,” I confirm. “But she didn’t shift, and she thinks she might have been sleepwalking. She doesn’t remember what the woman said to her, exactly, but it sounded something like some classwork we’ve been given at the academy.”

“It’s still worrying after everything else that’s been happening,” Rachel says, “but it could also be a weird coincidence, or a reaction by one Omega to what happened to another. They’re a lot more sensitive than most shifters.”

“I didn’t even think of that,” I tell her. “It would make sense. She’s been worried about Oscar and thinking about what happened to him.”

“Can you hold my phone while I replenish my magic?” Rachel asks, taking it out of her pocket. “If Silas calls, or Amanda, you can answer it. They’ll be looking to speak to you anyway.”

I take it from her and keep it in my hand while she walks a few steps away from me into the garden.

She crouches in the grass and repeats my actions from earlier this morning.

I hold the phone, willing it to ring. I need to know why another ghost wants to talk to me, specifically. I can’t think of anyone who’s dead who might want to tell me something. At least, not a female someone. My biological father’s been dead and gone my whole life. If anyone wanted to speak to me from the other side, I would have expected it to be him.

Whoever she is, it must be something to do with what’s going on right now.

There’s no other explanation.

Rachel comes back to my side when she’s done, and I pass her the phone back.

“Nothing yet,” I tell her.

“Hopefully it won’t be much longer,” she says.

Chapter Ninety-One


IfIeverwantedto know what it was like to sleep in a cramped space, with hardly any leg room, I find out the morning after I passed out in that closet. Every bone in my body hurts. Of course, it might have helped if I’d curled up in the middle of the space instead of falling asleep with my back to the wall and my feet wedged against the door.

I might be awake now, but one of my legs has gone to sleep and I have weird neck and shoulder pain that definitely isn’t normal for a twenty-one-year-old guy with no health problems.

Well, no physical health problems.

Mentally, I don’t know.

My blackouts haven’t been explained, and I might never know why I killed that girl.

All I do know is, I don’t want to spend another night passed out in a tiny fucking closet.
