Page 166 of Moon Cursed

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The thick chain of spikes rises out of the ground, spilling bits of dirt around as it comes up. We drop it once it’s all the way out, ending the spell and looking for a good way to coil it without risking cuts.

“Let’s hope there aren’t more of these,” I say.

“Let’s make sure there aren’t,” Rachel corrects me. “We should check the road ahead, but we should also drive a little slower in case they’ve used something slightly different further along.”

I glance at Everett. He’s cursing under his breath as he changes the tyre. We’ve already lost some time, and the thought of losing more is going to make him even madder.

“Is there a spell we can cast to check for obstacles ahead?” I ask.

Rachel thinks about it. “We can check for potential threats in the surrounding area. It might not pick up everything, but it’s worth a shot.”

“Can I help, or…”

She shakes her head. “It’ll be easier if I just do it myself.”

She takes a few steps away from us and I feel her magic flood out over the road. I look ahead and see the road sparkle all the way into the distance. She turns and clears her throat.

“Okay. Any potential dangers should show up clearly before we get to them. We can stop and check them out as we go.”

Everett sighs. “Can’t you just make them disappear?”

“We still have plenty of time,” I remind him. “This is exactly why we left early.”

He grumbles under his breath, but he knows I have a point.

He puts the slashed tire in the trunk and stows the curled-up chain of spikes in the middle before he closes the trunk. “Let’s get moving. I don’t want to lose more time than we need to.”

Chapter Ninety-Eight


Oscar’smom’sghostvisitedCheryl, the little kid dancing around the lounge is an Omega, and our Alphas just brought in another pack’s Alpha and half-warlock Omega to help us protect the two Omegas we already have.

There’s crazy, and then there’s whatever this is.

“I can’t believe I’m not with them,” I confide in Dante, because Ivy won’t get it.

“We go where we’re needed,” he tells me. “It isn’t always where we want to be. It’s where our Alpha’s need us to be.”

Right. Yeah. Betas and Omegas follow the orders of the Alpha.

I think it’s the first time I’m really feeling the effect of that hierarchy.

I feel useless standing here in the mansion, waiting around for trouble that probably won’t come our way, while my Alphas are running toward danger, getting ready for a real fight.

I look at the Omegas in the room, and I realize this might always be how things are.

Most packs have a single Omega, maybe they end up with two, if they’re lucky.

We have Oscar, and Vi, already. The kid, well, he might end up staying too, if his pack is disbanded and his mother wants to keep him safe from harm. Three Omegas is a lot for a single pack.

Must be why we were fated to an Alpha female. There hasn’t been a pack run by two Alphas in recent history. We’re the first in very long time.

Sean comes back into the lounge.

“No signs of other shifters lurking around outside so far,” he tells us quietly.

“Hopefully it stays that way,” Dante says, pushing himself away from the wall. “I’ll take a turn patrolling for a bit. Set up a few spells.” He takes the door keys from Sean and heads out of the room.

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