Page 167 of Moon Cursed

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I glance from the window to Sean. “Think it’s safe to call for pizza?”

Might as well start thinking about dinner while it’s quiet. The pizza place is new, and I’m not overly keen on that particular type of junk food, but it seems like the easiest way to feed a group.

“Wait for Dante to get back,” Sean says. “He’ll set a few spells up so he can tell if anyone’s trying to sneak onto the property. Once that’s done, you can order dinner.”

“Right. Yeah. Cool,” I tell him.

Cheryl and Rachel spoke about casting spells to protect the edges of the woods from strangers, but they never actually got around to casting them. It was one of the first things Dante asked about.

I feel better having them here. I’m always ready to fight for my pack, but I’m not a leader, and neither is Ivy. Sean takes charge, acting as our Alpha in the absence of our own Alphas.

It settles my nerves having him here. Dante, too. He’s nothing like a typical Omega.

He’s half-warlock, and that side of him is powerful. He has the energy of a Beta.

He’s ready and willing to fight, just as much as I am.

Now, all we can do is wait.

Chapter Ninety-Nine


Wegetintotownforty minutes before the deadline. The last of the traps were set out on the dirt road into town. Rachel took care of them, one by one, without breaking a sweat.

“How’s your magic?” I ask her as we drive slowly with the windows down, following the Alpha’s most recent scent trail. My magic doesn’t feel depleted in the slightest. I feel like I could do anything right now, and I’d still be able to teleport home after if I needed to.

“Those spells back on the road were nothing,” Rachel tells me. “I’m ready to teleport Oscar home when it’s time. I’m also ready to throw out a few defensive spells if I need them.”

She shows me she has a pocket full of charms.

I feel kind of stupid. I have drawers full of premixed charms in the mansion, and I didn’t think to bring any as a backup. Clearly, I’ve gotten a little too used to the ease of earth magic conjuring.

I seriously need to start planning better. Rachel’s thought of everything.

“What did you bring?” I ask.

“Knockouts and fireballs. You want some? I brought a ton.”

“That would be awesome. I have a bunch at home. I wasn’t thinking when we left.”

She passes me a handful. I can tell the difference between the two by touch. The energy varies in the different mixes of charm spells. I got very used to telling which was which. There are other ways, of course, but it’s better to know by touch. It’s faster in an emergency.

“Do you use the basic invocations?” I ask.

She nods. “I got so used to them in high school. I don’t understand witches who change their commands for simple spells. It’s like trying to learn a new language. Literally. There are studies on it and that’s what it equates to. I’d rather learn the new language.”

I smile at her. “Totally.”

I look back at Everett. He’s been concentrating on following the trail.

“We’re getting close,” he murmurs, as he takes us down an incline onto what looks like a farm road.

We’re going off the beaten path again, it seems. I check the time on the dashboard clock. We have just under half an hour before Everett can challenge the Alpha.

Everett speeds up a little when it becomes clear the road only leads one way.

The property that comes into view is bigger than Everett’s mansion.
