Page 183 of Moon Cursed

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Ophelia’s gaze moves to Cheryl. She gets to her feet. “It’s a pleasure to meet the woman who killed my bastard father. I trust you’re looking after my little brother well?”

“He doesn’t have any complaints,” Cheryl tells her.

Ophelia smiles. “You would know all about it if he did.”

I get to my feet. “Okay, okay. You’ve been here five minutes and you’re already trying to embarrass me? You’re my sister. I get it. We don’t have to do this bit.”

“And who is this?” Ophelia asks, looking Noah over.

“That’s Noah. He’s also Cheryl’s mate. Everett’s her mate, too.”

“What about this?” Ophelia asks, gesturing to Rachel. “Is she mates with Cheryl too?”

“I’m Rachel,” Rachel says, with a wry smile. “We’re just friends.”

“It’s late,” Cheryl says. “And we’ve all had a long day.”

Right. Everyone’s kind of ready for bed.

Except me. And Ophelia, apparently.

“Do you want to talk in the lounge?” I ask her. “Mom’s here.”

Her eyebrows shoot up. “Mom?”

“She’s not alive,” I warn her, showing her the charm. “And she’ll only be here as long as this charm has juice left in it.”

I glance at Rachel. “Tell me it still has some juice?”

She looks at it. “Two hours, tops.”

“I didn’t think I’d get to talk to her ever again,” Ophelia tells me.

“Me either,” I admit, glad that I was able to do this for her.

My family’s back together and we’re in the house with my pack mates.

I couldn’t have asked for a better ending. I couldn’t have predicted this one if I’d tried.

I still have a lot of work to do. I’ve got a much bigger family than I ever realized.

I’ll start on that problem tomorrow. Tonight, I get to enjoy being home and spending time with my sister and my mom.

Chapter One-Hundred-Nine


Forthefirsttimein I don’t know how long, I sleep without dreaming. I wake up with a smile on my face, the marks of two Alphas at either side of my throat, and a fully engorged cock in an insistent mood. I turn to my right and find my mate’s gaze on me as Noah squeezes her naked breast.

Cheryl’s eyes are big and dark, and I can tell she’s slick with arousal before I run a hand down her body to check.

“Well, this is the kind of wake-up call I could get used to,” I murmur, as Noah lifts her left leg up.

It makes accessing her pussy easier, and I know that’s because he intends to fill it.

I decide to cock block him by moving in faster while he’s making it so damn easy.

She’s drenched when I get close, and my dick touches Noah’s, but I don’t expect him to keep pushing inside while I do the same.
