Page 35 of Moon Cursed

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“You mauled another wolf to death in your Alpha’s forest,” she says, folding her arms and giving me that superior look she always reserved for the real idiots back when she was alive. “Yeah, that’s right. You shifted, and you killed another wolf. You still have her blood in your mouth, in case you were wondering what that taste was.”

I blink at her. She smiles brightly, her eyes lighting up with pleasure. Fuck. I know that smile. It was always her go-to expression whenever she knew she’d caught someone by the balls.

“I shifted?” the question falls from my lips before I can stop it.

“Your wolf waited for the full moon to creep up on you.” And I swear, that smile gets even fucking brighter as she speaks. “He took the first chance you gave him to take you over. You know it’s asking for trouble to go outside under a full moon when you’ve been supressing your wolf, right?”


She’s bullshitting me. She must be. I fell asleep next to Cheryl on the couch while we were watching reality TV, and that’s where I still am now, having this fucking nightmare that I might actually wake up screaming from if Bianca doesn’t fuck off.

“I can help you, Oscar. If you’d only let me.” Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard and hearing her say my name in that superior tone makes me wince. I don’t know how I tolerated her for so long when she was alive.

“Fuck off, Bianca. Go back to burning in hell where you belong. Send Satan my regards.”

I walk away from her. There’s no forest to escape to, so I move past all my eerily still and silent classmates to the door that leads out of the room.

My hand closes around the knob and for one horrifying second, I think it isn’t going to open.

Then, it does, and I step out into the corridor.

I reach back to close the door, to make sure I’m not followed.

The room is empty. No Bianca. No frozen in time classmates.

This dream is fucking weird. I want to wake up. Everything will be better when I’m awake.

Chapter Twenty-Four


Iteleportusdirectlyto the kitchen, so I can clean up my mate and check him over in a well-lit room. I don’t let my thoughts drift beyond the moment. I need to make sure Oscar’s okay. That’s all I care about. Everything else can wait.

The kitchen table isn’t the most comfortable, but it’s better than the floor, so I lift him with my magic and lay him down on its surface. He doesn’t stir. His skin seems paler than normal, like the color’s been drained from him by the shock of crimson around his mouth and spilling over his chest. The blood is dried and flaky in places, wet and shiny in others.

I don’t want to imagine how long he was out there, passed out next to that dead body.

So, I don’t allow myself to think about it.

I grab towels and run the water in the sink until it’s hot. I fill a bowl with water and dip one of the hand towels into it. I turn off the tap and move back over to my mate.

I clean up his face first, instinct taking over as I begin. I expect there to be some kind of spatter that I’m not noticing, but his face is fairly clean, and his hair seems to have missed the spray entirely too. I guess the fact that it happened while he was in his shifted form must have had something to do with that.

My hand starts to shake as I pick up a fresh towel to dry off the clean skin on his face.

He couldn’t have killed that girl. Blackouts or not, Oscar doesn’t have it him to take a life.

His wolf isn’t feral. They’re just not fully connecting because of past trauma.

Unless I was wrong about that.

Oh, Goddess. Please don’t tell me this happened because I got it wrong.

The guilt would kill me. Like it’s going to kill him when he wakes up and realizes what happened.

I curse under my breath as I softly wipe the excess drops of clean water from his skin.

I get clean water and I don’t let myself go back to Oscar’s side until I’ve stopped shaking.
