Page 62 of Moon Cursed

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“He did,” Everett says, “But he’s not going to really be okay until we get him connecting with his wolf properly. He needs to be able to shift. I can’t believe I let him hide from the blackouts for so damned long. I thought it was something he’d grow out of, but he needs help.”

“We can work it out after the other pack leave town.”

He nods and lets out a sigh as his gaze falls over the empty shelves above the bar. “I wish I’d never built that bar. This room.”

“It had its purpose,” I tell him. “That’s over now.”

“Right,” he says. “Come on, we should check on Cheryl.”

I follow him out of the room, closing the door on the past.

Chapter Forty


CherylandOscararefast asleep in the middle of our bed. It’s bright out and the curtains are open, so I close them, darkening the room. Noah turns off the lamp near the bed. He takes a closer look at our mate and Omega before he retreats to the bedroom door.

They had a rough night, and we have an early start in the morning.

We should let them sleep. I follow Noah out of the room and close the door as quietly as possible.

“What now?” he asks, clearly as awake as I am.

“I hate to be the one to bring it up, but we’re alone and we have time.”

He raises an eyebrow. “You want to study? Now?”

I shrug. “Want is the wrong word. It’s really more like need.”

“Well,” Noah says. “I left the books in my room. I can go grab them. To be honest I could use the fresh air.”

“Take your time,” I tell him, suddenly regretting my decision to attempt to cram in more studying while we’re at a loss for something to do.

He gives me a wry smile. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

I watch him head down the landing and disappear down the stairs.

I pace down the hall, wondering which room we should use to study. There’s one either side of our bedroom, both empty. I gave Vi and Ivy a room as far from ours as possible. There’s a separate staircase they use so they never have to pass our door.

I take a look in either room and decide on the one closer to the staircase.

We’ll leave the door open, so we don’t miss Cheryl or Oscar walking past if they get up and we don’t hear it right away. There’s enough going on without risking a blacked-out Omega wandering around the woods again when there’s no guarantee that pack isn’t still out there watching and waiting.

I go to the window and stare out past the garden into the woods beyond.

The sun’s blindingly bright overhead and the spot where they were camped out isn’t quite within sight of the window anyway. My feet itch to get back out there and confront them. To demand answers. I growl lightly as I step away from the window.

We’re following pack laws, doing everything by the letter.

It’s all going to work out. Cheryl knows what she’s doing.

She has more control over her anger than I do, and that’s what’s going to save Oscar from these opportunistic assholes. She stopped them from walking in here and making demands. She got them to play fair, used pack law to make sure they can’t take our Omega away from us.

All we need to do now is wait.

Chapter Forty-One

