Page 63 of Moon Cursed

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IgroanwhenIwake up in the classroom with Bianca at my side and all the other students frozen in time at their desks. “This again?”

“Maybe if you’d listened the first time, I wouldn’t have to try to make you listen all over again.”

“I don’t need to listen to know you’re still a bitch,” I mutter, as I push my chair back and stand up.

I don’t look at her. I head straight out of the room.

She makes irritable noises behind me.

I ignore them and close the door behind me, shutting her out.

The hallway seems endless, but eventually it opens into that same weirdly familiar field I saw in my dream before. This time the field is empty. It’s dark. No one else is out here. Just me.

“I remember this,” I find myself saying, as I step forward.

It’s not the surroundings I’m remembering. It’s a feeling. The first time I was ever terrified.

I was losing my breath, like I am now, panic was swelling inside me, making my guts clench and my emotions spiral. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. I stumble to my knees and pitch forward, drawing ragged breaths and trying in vain to calm down.

I can’t. I need to keep moving, and it’s impossible.

My chest feels like it might burst. I’ve been running for hours, and it hasn’t been enough.

I’ll never get far enough away from them. Never.

“You know you’re being melodramatic,” Bianca intrudes, breaking through the awful memory and letting me catch my breath. I’d say thanks, but it’s not smart to let this girl think I owe her something. She’ll nag at me to collect until she slowly drives me crazy. Which is kind of what she’s already doing without a reason.

“Fuck off,” I mutter instead, as I get to my feet and wipe the grass off my knees.

“Charming,” she says.

“You wouldn’t know charming if it bit you on the ass.”

I feel less shaky now, but I need to know what that was.

It’s important, I know it.

“Now, do you want my help, or do you want to be stumbling around in the dark for the rest of your pathetic life?” she asks, raising an eyebrow when I finally look at her.

“Depends,” I tell her. “What’s your help going to cost me?”

She narrows her eyes at me. It’s as if she’s forgotten I know what she’s like.

“I know there’s a price, Bianca. And I don’t really feel like owing you a damned thing after what you did to my mate.”

“Your mate,” she spits out. “Everett claimed a witch as his true mate, rather than bond to me! Not only that, but he’s letting you and his sad-sack Beta rail her on the side! Do you know how fucked up…”

“I’m not helping you,” I tell her, walking away.

I know how upset she was over Everett dumping her the year before Cheryl came along, and we might have kind of been friendly way-back-when, but it doesn’t excuse her of anything. She went way too far. She should have walked away, instead of letting it consume her.

“You fucking asshole!” she screams. “You killed me, and you don’t fucking care!”

I turn slowly. “You killed yourself, when you plotted to murder our pack to get our Alpha’s attention. Do you know how fucking sad that is, Bianca? He wasn’t your true mate. He was never going to be.”

She stares at me, nostrils flaring. That look she’s wearing is pure rage.

“You’ve got no one to be angry at but yourself.”
