Page 69 of Moon Cursed

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We’re a pack, and it’s time we started behaving like one.

She gives me a smile, but she still feels sad.

“This whole mess will be over soon. It’s nothing we need to worry about.”

“You’re right,” she says, nodding. “It’ll be fine.”

I get to my feet and turn to find my best friend and coven leader standing in the kitchen doorway.

Rachel looks like she usually does. Naturally blonde and beautiful, with flawless sun-kissed skin and bright blue eyes. She’s changed her style a little since she moved away from our hometown, adding deep blue streaks to her hair and wearing more of that color instead of the pale neutrals she used to favor. I like the vibe. It always felt like she was a little buttoned down when we were in school. She seems happier now that she’s met her mates.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” I tell her, as she greets me with a hug.

She steps back and gives me a sympathetic smile. “How’s Oscar?”

“He’s doing okay,” I find myself telling her. In truth his mood has been all over the place. It’s like he’s hiding from the situation. Being funny, or sexy to avoid having to talk about it, or think about it.

I’ll have to deal with the fallout when this is over.

He’ll still need to find a way to connect with his wolf.

We’ll still have to help him past whatever trauma is blocking him from connecting.

“That’s good,” Rachel says. “We should go look around where it happened. Do we have time for that?”

I nod. “They’re due to get here at seven. We should have time.”

I look at Vi. “The guys should be downstairs soon. Can you let them know?”

“Of course,” she says.

“This is Rachel,” I tell her, realizing they’ve never met. “Rachel, this is Vi.”

“Hi,” Rachel greets. “Nice to meet you. Hopefully we get a chance to talk after.”

“That would be good,” Vi tells her. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

At least they’re only meeting now because Rachel doesn’t live close by. Not because I’ve been keeping all the different parts of my life in separate boxes.

“We’ll be back,” I tell Vi before I lead Rachel back into the hall.

We find Ivy talking with Amanda by the door. Usually-quiet Ivy is talking animatedly while Rachel’s shy friend Amanda nods along with whatever caffeine-fuelled crazy-talk is coming out of Ivy’s mouth. I can’t hear the entire conversation, but it’s definitely a theory Ivy has on some kind of magic-related topic.

“I think a rescue might be needed,” I tell Rachel. “Ivy’s been drinking coffee since 5 a.m.”

“Wow,” Rachel says. “An hour of caffeine-loading? I’m surprised she’s not bouncing off the walls.”

“I’m guessing she introduced herself?”

Rachel nods. “She did, and then she complimented Amanda’s hair and started talking about shifter magic being an offshoot of earth magic, and now, this. She seems nice.”

She also seems to be rattling with nervous energy right now.

“Wait there,” I tell Rachel.

I head over to the front door, and Amanda gives me a silent look of relief when I get close.

“Hey, Ivy,” I cut in, stopping Ivy mid-stream-of-consciousness.
