Page 89 of Moon Cursed

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Chapter Fifty-Eight


It’slikeablackcloud has lifted from where it’s been stationed directly over Everett’s head. It’s probably post-orgasmic-bliss, and I doubt we’ll get the chance to replicate the results again with so much else going on, but now I have a sure-fire way to make him feel better.

I really should have guessed sooner.

He’s an Alpha and a guy. Nine times out of ten, sex is the answer.

It definitely made me feel better, even if I wound up having to change my panties again.

“Do we have to go back downstairs?” he asks.

I glance at the alarm clock. “Well, it’s lunch time. I’m not exactly hungry but we have guests who might be.”

“I’ll be the cook,” he says quickly. “You can all stay in the lounge to eat. The table’s too small in the kitchen anyway.”

It’s kind of cute how anti-social he is around other people. He only ever wants to spend time with me or the guys. Everyone at the academy knows who he is, but he’s not exactly friendly with anyone but us. I guess I’m kind of the same way, except I have a slightly wider circle of friends now.

“I would love it if you’d make lunch,” I tell him. “What do we have?”

“I’ll make a bunch of different sandwiches. We have the supplies for that.”

“Sounds great.”

We head out of the room and down the stairs. I’m fairly sure it’s obvious what we’ve been up to but considering we’re all adults I don’t let it bother me. Amanda has three mates as well. She’s bound to know what it’s like to be heat and around guys who have one-tracked minds.

Vi and Ivy are used to avoiding our bedroom and the landing that leads to it. They’ve probably heard more than we think they have. There’s a good chance they’ve seen one or more of our less discrete moments too.

I hold onto the handrail because I’m still kind of shaky on my feet.

I make a mental note to ask Rachel later if it’s normal to be drained for more than a day after using too much magic. Everett was spot on when he suspected that was why I was wiped out, but there’s no way I’m letting him worry over something so stupid. We have enough to deal with right now.

He heads straight for the kitchen, and I go into the lounge.

To my surprise, the girls are playing pool.

Oscar’s still asleep on the couch, though he’s moved to face the back of the seat.

I watch his chest rise and fall before I move over to the pool table towards the back of the room.

“Hey, how’s the game going?” I ask.

“I’m totally new to this,” Amanda admits. “I’ve sunk the black ball straight away three times in a row. By accident.”

“She’s picking it up great,” Ivy says. “We really haven’t been playing for long.”

“Ivy’s a shark,” Vi tells me, smiling proudly. “Oh. I probably shouldn’t have told you, right?”

Ivy laughs. “That’s okay. I wasn’t intending on hustling our Alpha.”

“You wouldn’t win anyway,” I tell her, sure she would. “I’m too good at this game.”

“Ooh them’s fighting words,” Ivy says.

“I’m kidding, obviously. I’m sure you’d kick my ass,” I say. “Everett’s making lunch. Does anyone need a drink?”

“It’s lunch time already?” Vi asks. “Wow. That kind of crept up fast.”
