Page 90 of Moon Cursed

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“Yeah, it kind of did,” I agree, wishing there was something more we could be doing right now.

Waiting for intel to get back from Noah and Rachel was going to take a while. Going with them would have put Oscar and Vi at risk, so waiting around it is. Even if it feels like it’s going to drive me completely insane.

“Oh, and we don’t need drinks. There are sodas in the fridge behind the bar,” Vi tells me. “We already grabbed some.”

I head over to look for myself. When Everett said they emptied the bar, I assumed that meant of everything. Apparently, it just meant the alcohol. I grab a can of cola and head over to where the couches are gathered around the coffee table.

I set it down before I decide to go grab a blanket for Oscar. If he wants to sleep, he gets to sleep.

He’s under stress and emotional pain. We can’t attempt to work on his trauma while he’s sleeping, and I’m not going to wake him up when he’s exhausted. His fractured connection with his wolf was the only reason I could find to give us more time to find a real solution. It worries me that we haven’t been able to help him with that. I really don’t like the thought of Oscar being handed over to strangers while he’s so vulnerable. This whole thing is bad enough. The unresolved blackouts make it so much worse.

I take a blanket out of the linen closet and bring it back to the lounge.

Oscar doesn’t stir as I place it over him.

Chapter Fifty-Nine


Rachelhassomeprettywild stories to tell, which make the journey to Limestone Ridge fly by, sort of. The road to get there is pretty rural. We don’t come across a gas station, a store, anything like civilisation. My stomach’s growling like mad by the time we get into town.

“I can’t wait to stretch my legs,” Rachel admits. “And I could use a soda.”

“I need to find someplace to park, and we can grab lunch before we go looking for the pack.”

Can’t really expect to sneak around pack territory while my stomach’s making angry wolf noises.

I find a spot in the half-empty parking lot of a diner. There’s a gas station connected so I make a mental note to fill up before we leave. There’s probably enough in the tank to get us home but I don’t need Everett getting all pissy with me over something so trivial.

“Finally,” I say as I park up in the closest spot to the diner that I can find.

Rachel removes her seatbelt and steps out of the passenger seat.

She stretches her arms before she closes the door.

I get out my side and slip my keys into my pocket.

We head toward the diner, and I stop and look at Rachel.

“I don’t know about this plan,” I tell her, not sure exactly why I suddenly feel weird about it.

We talked about it on the way here, sense-checking our approach. We decided against hiding the entire time. It wouldn’t tell us much, and it could drain Rachel’s magic, making it useless when we really need it.

“There’s an odd vibe,” she admits. “I can’t put my finger on it.”

Shit. It’s a sixth sense thing. I’m not just being paranoid.

“Be ready for the backup plan,” I tell her. “If we can’t figure out what’s up, we leave.”

She nods, and we move toward the diner. I dart forward and hold the door open for her, and she steps inside first. The place is less than half-full, but every eye is on us when we enter.

I understand what the issue is when I let go of the door and it swings closed behind me.

Every person in this room is a shifter.

This isn’t a normal town. It’s made up entirely of a pack of wolves.

It feels like we just walked into a snake pit. Any hint of hunger I was feeling drops away.
