Page 91 of Moon Cursed

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A waitress stops in front of us. Her nametag reads Georgia.

“Passing through?” she asks, cheerfully.

“Just needed to stop for lunch,” Rachel says, managing to sound as normal as the waitress.

People stop staring, but it’s still incredibly weird. Maybe they’re just not used to visitors.

“Well, you picked the best place to fill up,” Georgia the waitress tells us, “Let me get you settled in. Get you some iced tea. It’s scorching today.”

It is warm out, but I’m not particularly keen to eat or drink anything in this place.

If they’re not used to outsiders, it’s likely because we’re not welcome in their town.

There’s no set protocol for visiting a town like this one, because they’re not supposed to exist anymore. Packs are supposed to be families, and they can get larger over time, but they’re not supposed to become armies. Alphas who run pack towns don’t care about protecting their people. They only care about power and money. This is seriously bad news for Oscar.

“Here we go,” Georgia says, showing us to our table.

We sit down because we’re expected to. I want to leave, but we need to try and ride this out now that we’re here. Act like we’re not here for anything more than lunch.

“Iced tea coming up,” she says, walking away.

I look at Rachel and she gives me a pointed smile.

“I told you this would be a good shortcut, babe,” she tells me in a louder than normal voice, looking around in interest. “This diner is so cute! And I love iced tea. I haven’t had it in so long.”

I try to smile. “It’s okay, I guess.”

I clearly don’t have the acting chops for this, but Rachel can carry it on her own.

Some of the guys in the room are watching her in a slightly predatory way that might mean a potential threat in a different situation. If this were a nightclub, I’d have to get her out of here before someone decided she was his chosen mate of the moment.

No one in the room is particularly young. The waitress looks late-twenties, maybe.

Everyone else looks older. I try to remember what I know about pack towns.

I don’t know much. They really died out a long fucking time ago.

Became an ugly topic most schools sweep under the rug, alongside the enslavement of witches for the benefit of the pack. Though, Lunar Academy still supported that idea until Cheryl forced them to change their minds. I guess we live in a backward part of the country. It really shouldn’t come as a surprise that there’s a pack town near ours.

“Oh my gosh, the food all sounds so good,” Rachel goes on, as she picks up the menu. “Doesn’t it sound so good?”

I force myself to look at the menu. Some of the other diners are still watching us, but most have gone back to eating their meals and chatting amongst themselves. I need to relax. No one’s about to come over here and threaten us. We’re not their enemies. We’re just passing through.

The waitress comes back and sets down two tall glasses of iced tea.

“Mmm, thank you,” Rachel tells her.

She nods. “Call me over when you’re ready for food.”

“Oh, I think we’re ready,” Rachel says. “I’ll have the cheeseburger and fries.”

“Same,” I tell her, since I didn’t actually read the menu.

“Great choice.” Georgia takes the menus away and goes into the kitchen.

Rachel sips at her drink and motions to me to move closer.

I frown as my head touches hers. She looks me in the eye.
