Page 97 of Moon Cursed

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“I won’t be able to see you?” I ask. “And I won’t be able to see myself?”

“It’s a really basic spell,” she says. “Do you need a minute?”

“Uh yeah. Give me a second to get used to the idea.”

“I’ll hold your hand until we get there. We should separate once we’re inside. The teleport might be a little disorienting but try to stay still until you have your balance back and you’ll be just fine.”

It’s a lot to take in, and my brain doesn’t want to process any of it.

“So, once we’re inside, what then?” I ask, needing to get it straight before we do this.

“Try and listen in to conversations at the front of the restaurant. I’ll see if I can find the waitress and get her alone. If I can, I’ll teleport her outside, to the back of the building to talk to her. Then I’ll come back, and we’ll get out of here.”

“Right, right,” I say, still trying to let it sink in.

“We can do this,” Rachel says. “It’s low risk. They don’t have magic. We do.”

She’s right, but that’s kind of the problem. I’d have a much easier time with this plan if it involved starting a fight with the thirty wolves who were eating lunch. I’m not afraid of broken bones.

Fenrir alive, am I afraid of witch magic?

“Ready,” I tell her, not willing to admit I might be freaked out.

She whispers something I don’t quite hear, and I look down to see my feet fading under me.

“Oh, God of Wolves…”

She takes my hand. “Put the charm in your pocket.”

She’s fading too. I stare in horror at her legs disappearing. Holy hell. This is a nightmare.

“Put it in your pocket,” she reminds me.

I stuff the charm in my pocket without looking down.

“I’ll lead the way,” she tells me, before she’s completely gone.

I can still feel her hand in mine, but I don’t want to look down.

I walk when she walks, staring straight ahead. It only takes a few seconds to realize something’s a bit off even if I stare off into the distance. Something’s just a tiny little bit different…

I can’t see my nose! Holy fucking shit. Don’t look all the way down. Don’t look down. That’ll only make it worse.

I take some calming breaths. There, see. Your nose still exists, you just can’t see it right now.

I’m here, it only looks like I’m not.

I concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other, keeping up with Rachel’s quick pace.

It feels like we’ve been walking forever by the time the back of the diner comes into sight.

I’m keen to keep going and get this over with, but Rachel steers me toward the back of the building. Right, yeah. She needs to see what it looks like so she can teleport out here with the waitress if she can get her alone. I look around, keeping my head raised.

Oscar would love this, and I don’t just mean he’d love watching me freak out as my body disappeared. He’d be running around like a maniac if he got the chance to be invisible for even a couple of minutes. This would be his kind of fun. He wouldn’t be feeling kind of sick at the thought of looking down and seeing empty space where his body should be.

It’s too trippy for me. I’ve avoided mind-altering drugs my whole life for this very reason.

Rachel tugs on my hand and we start the walk around to the front of the diner.
