Page 107 of Shifting Spirits

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“Okay, I’m starting to feel like we shouldn’t be here,” Carter says.

Our Omega is clearly soaking up the tension that’s hanging in the air between us.

Adrian had a dream that might have been a flash of something that’s going to actually happen.

I can’t believe he didn’t tell us.

“What was the dream, exactly?” I ask.

“Paul chasing you through the woods, everything happening the way it did that night.”

“Paul’s dead. He forfeited his soul to his Dark Lord. So, there’s no way that can happen again.”

“I know,” he says, his frown only deepening.

“It was a memory,” I tell him. “It was probably on your mind after my mom called, or after Paul’s parents’ visited. It can’t be a flash of the future. It was a glimpse of the past.”

“Yeah,” he murmurs, not looking all the way convinced.

“We’re miles away from the woods where that happened,” I remind him.

“Ask Amanda to come out here,” he tells me. “Ask Cheryl.”

“Adrian, we already have Dante and Kelly …” I start.

“You went to Cheryl, no questions asked when she needed you,” he reminds me. “Don’t tell me you can’t ask for the same favor.”

“They might only need to be here for a few minutes,” Silas adds.

I bite back on telling them we don’t need my full coven out here.

They’re worried about me. I was drained when I got back from Cheryl’s, and I let Paul’s parents’ visit rattle me. I can ask a favor of my two best female friends in the world if it makes my mates feel better. I take my phone out and send them quick texts.

“We can go inside when they get here,” Adrian says.

I get an instant response from Amanda. She’ll come with Dante and Kelly.

“Are they coming?” he asks.

“Amanda is, with Dante and Kelly.”

“Cheryl isn’t? I thought you said she’s …”

“Relax, Adrian. She’ll get back to me when she sees the message.”

The sky starts to rumble above us, the sound swallowing Adrian’s growl.

It’s a dark and stormy night. Perfect weather for ghost hunting.

I look at Silas. He doesn’t seem to share that sentiment. He’s wincing at the clouds above us.

“Maybe you should call on Sara,” I suggest.

He turns my way. “It didn’t work at home. You think it’ll work here?”

“Worth a shot,” I tell him.

“This place feels like ghost central,” Carter agrees.
