Page 113 of Shifting Spirits

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She isn’t amused. “You didn’t want to speak to me, and now you’re out here commanding me to speak to you? Fuck that, Silas. Fuck you.”

“Sara, wait,” I say. “I came here because I was worried something had happened to you. I’m sorry for being an asshole. I was so fucking mad I couldn’t think straight.”

“It’s too late, Silas.” She looks around, then looks back at me. “There are demonic spirits in this place. She trapped them here, and she trapped me here when I came to find my dad.”

“We can get you out of here,” I start.

She shakes her head. “You don’t get it. This house is a trap for ghosts. She’s been capturing spirits to sacrifice to her Dark Lord. She made a deal with him. My dad is going to be killed. You’re going to be killed. There’s nothing we can do to stop her.”

I bite back on telling her help is coming. I don’t think it’ll change her mind that this situation is fucked. She’s already decided that it’s hopeless. We’re going to have to show her that it’s not.

“Who is she?” I ask. “Rachel said there was a human in here, and a necromancer.”

“She’s a necromancer, obviously, but she’s also Dark Arts so she’s extra dangerous, especially once you’re a ghost.”

“I don’t plan on becoming a ghost.”

“I didn’t plan on it, either,” she reminds me. “Life’s funny that way.”

“Where’s your dad?” I ask, trying to change the subject before she decides I’m not worth speaking to anymore.

“He’s in another room.” She looks at me. “Don’t tell me you want to meet him, now?”

“I came here for you, Sara. You might not believe that right now, but it’s the truth.”

Her expression changes slightly, and I think she does believe me. Thank Apollo.

She nods. “Dad’s been trying to get me to cross over, to save me from the necromancer’s plan. None of the ghosts here can leave. The trap was created by a Dark Arts spell. It would take another necromancer to break it. He’s trying to achieve the impossible, and I’ve told him that, but he won’t stop.”

“Maybe we can try together,” I suggest.

“It won’t work,” she says, “But follow me.”

She steps out of the room, and I follow her into the corridor.

I hear a crash of thunder as we pass one of the broken windows.

“Get back,” she snaps.

I jump out the way as the remaining glass from the window zips through the air where I was just standing, crashing against the wall and breaking into smaller shards as it smacks into the ground.

“Demonic spirits,” Sara warns me. “They actuallywantto get back to hell. So, they’ll try to take you down faster to make it there sooner.”

“Holy fucking shit,” I mutter.

It seems forgetting a flashlight is the least of my worries. I should have thought about bringing a helmet and some body armor, clearly.

“You’ll be fine, as long as you’re with me,” Sara says, which kind of sounds like a veiled threat in her still-pissed-at-me tone.

“Can we go find my mate and my Alpha after this?” I ask, hoping she says yes.

It feels bad, coming here to find out what happened to her and ending up asking for her help.

“That’ll be tricky,” she tells me. “She would have split you up to make it harder for you to find each other. There’s no way we can get to them without running into a whole lot of trouble.”

Wait. Is she concerned for my safety?

“You’re my brother, idiot-brain. I’m angry with you, but you’re still family.”
