Page 120 of Shifting Spirits

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She steps back as I approach.

“My, my. What big claws you have.”

“All the better to tear out your throat,” I growl, taking a quick swipe at her.

She gasps and jumps back another step. “You wouldn’t hurt me, would you, Adrian?”

The forest brightens around us, and she stares at me with Rachel’s big, bright blue eyes.

She thinks I won’t hurt her because she looks exactly like my mate.

I prove her wrong, kicking her legs out from under her, and slashing her throat open.

It doesn’t matter what she looks like, she’s not Rachel.

“You’ll be less trouble when you’re no longer solid,” I tell her, walking away when she falls to the ground.

I march away from the forest, letting out a sigh of relief when the floorboards beneath my feet become visible. There’s a threadbare rug stretching out over the hallway where the forest illusion ends, a rug that disappears a little bit further out.

I recognize the carpet that replaces it, and I let out a curse the second I see it.

“Silas!” I call out, moving forward into another damned illusion.

Chapter Sixty-Four


ThesoundofAdrian’svoice ringing out makes me jump. The final screw rolls out of the last hinge, and I let out a relieved sigh. I pick up the door and put it inside the room.

“Silas, don’t leave,” the eleven-year-old me pleads. “Please don’t leave.”

I turn to him. “Show me your real face.”

The kid’s eyes widen before I’m confronted with a demon.

A six-foot-tall, black-skinned monster with curled back horns and gruesomely sharp layers of teeth protruding from his growling mouth.

“Stay still,” I order, surprised when he obeys.

I run a clawed finger across his throat, stifling his ability to use solid form by destroying it.

He could regain it later, but he’ll be stuck here for a while and then he’ll be non-corporeal for a while before he can create more illusions and take solid form again.

“Silas!” Adrian calls, right before he gets to the doorway.

I turn and he stares past me at the demon with the slashed throat, who’s still standing still, because it’s what I ordered him to do, I guess.

Holy hell. I commanded a demonic spirit, and it really worked.

Adrian steps into the room. “What in the holy-fucking-hell is that thing?”

“He’s a demon,” I tell him. “I didn’t bother asking what kind and it’s a bit late to ask him now.”

I step back. “You can fall over now.”

The demon topples to the ground.

“How did you get here?” I ask my Alpha.
