Page 121 of Shifting Spirits

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“I realized what my illusion was, and I got out. I had to claw out the throat of a solid poltergeist who had made herself look like Rachel. I’m expecting to need a shit-ton of therapy by the time we get out of this place.” He shudders.

“Well, if it makes you feel any better, whatever she looked like, her true form would have been something like that demon.”

“I’m guessing you haven’t seen Rachel?” Adrian asks.

I shake my head. “I did find Sara, and she was leading me to her dad, but stepping into that room brought me into this one. I was just going to deal with my second demon before I went looking for you and Rachel.”

“You had two?” he asks.

“Yeah. The other one’s hiding like a coward,” I call out, not sure exactly where the demon who was disguised as my aunt went.

“Shit,” Adrian says. “I think I had another one, too.”

“You think? What was your illusion?”

He doesn’t want to tell me. I see it in his eyes.

He sighs and leans against the wall. “It was the forest, the night we met Rachel.”

Makes sense, considering how guilty he felt about biting her. I thought he’d gotten over that a while ago, but this whole business with Paul’s parents probably dredged some of that shit back up.

“Who else was there?”

“That warlock bastard,” he spits out. “I killed him about forty times.”

I blink at him. “You were caught in a loop that repeated that many times, and you actively participated with the poltergeists?”

“I didn’t realize what it was straight away. It’s bad, right? How many times did you actively participate in yours?”

“Once,” I tell him. “Kind of, and then I ignored it. It went on probably the same number of times, maybe more, but I knew what it was.”

I stare at my Alpha, trying to take in what he just told me.

“You know they drain lifeforce when you participate.”

“I remembered that once I realized what was going on.”

“Well, the good news is you don’t look visibly older,” I tell him.

“And the bad?”

“You might have just aged ten years in forty minutes.”

“Ten years, huh?” he nods. “I think I can deal with that.”

It definitely could have been worse. Still, it’s pretty crazy.

I take a breath. “Okay. We have one demon hiding in this illusion, and one hiding in a forest illusion where you came from …”

“Wait. Carter was there, too. In the forest. Does he count?”

“He counts. So, we have three demon poltergeist left who can create illusions, that we know of.”

“They can create more?” he asks, groaning.

“Unfortunately. That’s why it’s smart to stop their solid forms.”

“Fucking hell,” Adrian murmurs.
