Page 130 of Shifting Spirits

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“The demonic spirits that created the illusion,” Silas says. “Adrian killed one of them. The other two are still solid. They could still be lurking around, or they could be in the attic.”

“I’ll go check,” Adrian says.

“Adrian …” I start, worrying about him.

He sighs. “It’s better if they’re spirits when the Dark Lord gets here, right? He can only collect them if they’re spirits.”

“Fuck,” Silas blurts. “There was one left in my illusion, too.”

“Well, I’m not letting you both run off to deal with demonic spirits made solid.”

“Rachel, go with Silas,” Adrian says, with a hint of his Alpha growl in his voice. “I’ll come find you when I’m done.”

I watch him go, feeling completely helpless.

“We should hurry,” Silas says. “Don’t want to miss the Dark Lord’s big entrance.”

“No, I guess we don’t.”

I follow him through the forest, moving quickly.

The sooner we break these illusions and take down the necromancer, the sooner this is all over.

I’ve never wanted to go home so badly in my life. I guess that’s because I finally have a home that’s worth fighting for, with three men I would go to hell and back for.

I never expected to have to prove it literally, but this might be the closest I ever get to that.

Chapter Seventy


Stalkingpreyisaprimal urge that’s deep rooted into every predator. Once a wolf decides someone or something is prey, there’s very little that can be done to dissuade him. Nothing could make me back away from taking out these demons. They ripped this forest out of my head, tore one of my worst memories out of there, and put it on display to torture me.

They stole ten years of my life.

They deserve to rot in hell where they belong.

I move down the corridor until I find the room with the missing door. This is where I exited the room the last time. Where I walked away, thinking that was what I needed to do. I did it to break the memory’s hold on me. If I’d known what it was, if I’d been thinking clearly, sooner, I might have made a bloody mess on the forest floor and it all would have been over.

I want this illusion broken. I want it gone.

Stepping into the room where it started, I see it starting again, this time without Rachel as a part of it. There’s a dead demon lying where the warlock attempts to finish the spell. I come up behind the warlock and slash his throat.

Like I did forty times before.

Shit. This one isn’t a demon.

He’s just part of the illusion.

When I look up at Carter, he smiles at me.

“Did you figure it out yet? It only took you forty-one tries.”

He disappears and the cycle starts over.

Fuck, he’s slippery.

I move over to where he’s going to appear, and I sink to my knees behind that spot, claws ready to pin him in place and end him.
