Page 136 of Shifting Spirits

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Samuel Madden steps forward, stumbling on unsteady legs. His energy feels strong in spite of his beaten appearance. He coughs and straightens his back, before he shouts, “Attack the necromancer!”

Silas moves to his side and repeats the warcry when Samuel yells it a second time. “Attack the necromancer!”

The spirits remain invisible to us, but the look on the necromancer’s face is one of sheer terror.

Samuel smiles at his son and Silas nods before they stare ahead again and let out the third and final command together. “Attack the necromancer!”

She shrieks and tumbles to the ground. “NO! AttackTHEM!”

The spirits are no longer listening to her. Silas and his father have taken control.

“Holy shit,” Cheryl whispers, sounding impressed.

“Oh my Goddess,” Amanda whispers, wincing away as the necromancer is quickly torn apart by the spirits she was commanding, her body turning into a gruesome pile of blood and bones.

“I think we can let the forcefield down,” I tell them.

“Yes,” a gravelly voice from behind us booms out. “Let’s get rid of that forcefield.”

Everyone goes still. I can taste dark magic in the air around us as we drop the forcefield.

The Dark Lord must be seven foot tall. He’s been known to take many forms, but tonight he looks like the demon he is. His black eyes are as compelling as they are terrifying, and his gray, muscular body looks like it’s been cut out of stone. The horns on his head end in deadly spikes. He has fangs in his wide mouth, and he looks ready to use them. When he speaks, his voice is grainy yet dripping with charm. There’s no doubt in my mind that he’s the real deal.

“Paul Winters, it would seem your intended let you down. Bad luck.”

Paul’s ghost makes himself seen. He was hiding in the shadows at the back of the room.Why doesn’t that surprise me?

“On a brighter note, Dorothea Davis gets to spend eternity by your side in my realm. I’m sure she’ll be happy that you didn’t lift a finger to help her when my demons turned on her, because now you’ll truly never be apart.”

The necromancer’s ghost rises out of her body. She moves toward the Dark Lord when he clicks his fingers. Paul stares at me with those vicious eyes he showed me when his true colors came out.

“Goodbye, Paul. For good, this time,” I tell him.

“You’re going to suffer for what you did to me, Rachel,” he seethes. “I’ll find a way. Don’t fucking worry.”

“Well, if you do as good a job as you did this time, I’m not worried.”

I give him a smile and a wave, and the Dark Lord clicks his fingers for the second time and Paul goes to him, looking like he’s ready to spit nails.

“He will not find a way,” the Dark Lord assures us. “I’m watching over him very closely now.”

Goddess, I can’t believe the Dark Lord is talking to us.

I’m not afraid. I don’t know why, but I’m just not.

His gaze moves over the room before he clicks his fingers a third time.

The demonic spirits become visible, as does Sara.

She walks toward him, just like they do, but her expression is frozen in fear.

“Not her,” I tell him, pointing to her.

The Dark Lord’s stare fixes on me. “Did you just give me an order, hybrid witch?”

He sounds amused. Goddess, I hope he’s actually finding this funny.

“She’s not supposed to be here,” I explain.
