Page 87 of Shifting Spirits

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“We need a necromancer,” I tell him.

“I spoke to Dante,” he says, surprising me. “He said I could go back and ask him to speak to Kelly if I didn’t get anywhere on my own.”

“What did he expect you to try on your own?”

“Sara’s dad. He’s like me. He could have helped her cross over.”

“You met him?”

He shakes his head. “He wasn’t home. A spirit of a woman who used to work for him told me he went to a job in Midnight Valley. A haunting.”

“So, you want to go there to talk to him.”

“I need to know she’s okay,” he says, running a hand through his hair. “I feel horrible for the way we left things. She … She tried to speak to me in the past, but I didn’t give her a chance. I thought she was looking for help with a ghost and I didn’t want to know. I was an asshole.”

“You were struggling,” I correct him. “You didn’t have the capacity to help someone else. Don’t beat yourself up about that, Silas. Please. It’s not your fault.”

“But it could be my fault if she did something stupid because I yelled at her,” he says.

“We don’t know what happened,” I tell him. “But we’ll find out.”

“Rachel, I don’t want …”

“I need to go back there anyway,” I admit. “I need to confess what really happened to Paul.”

“The Council of Witches,” Silas murmurs.

I nod. “Guess where their main headquarters are located?”

“Midnight Valley.” He pulls out a wry smile.

“You don’t seem surprised,” I admit. “I wasn’t sure how you would feel about it.”

“Adrian and I spoke about it. These last few days, it seemed important. We feel the same way you do, Rachel. We want to confess. We’re ready, when you are.”

I let out a relieved sigh. “Good, because I’ve never felt more ready.”

“Never felt more ready for what?” Carter asks, yawning loudly as he steps into the room and slips into his usual seat next to me. “Please tell me it’s something kinky.”

Adrian stands in the doorway, leaning against the frame.

“I thought you were starving, Carter?”

“I didn’t say I was hungry for food,” he says.

“Rachel wants to come to Midnight Valley,” Silas says.

“We can find Sara’s father, and then go to Council HQ to confess what happened to Paul,” I add, making sure Adrian knows the plan.

He frowns, looking from me to Silas and back again.

“I didn’t mention confessing,” Silas tells him. “Rachel decided that on her own.”

“What’s this about confessing?” Carter asks. “Are we a church family now?”

“No, this is about that warlock,” Adrian says.

“The one Rachel turned into ashes?” Carter asks.
