Page 13 of Hit of Betrayal

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“So I am being fired?” I almost laughed. I wasn’t sure I still wanted to be his go-to hitman, but it still stung that he didn’t want to keep me.

“No. Reassigned. I want you to run the security team at my home. You’ll be in charge of making sure the property is safe and if I need you for extra projects, then I will call on you. After what happened with Donovan I am not sure who I can trust. I know someone else helped him break into my safe, he’s not that smart, and there have been some other suspicious things happening. I could be paranoid. But a man in my world can never be too safe.”

I mulled through his offer. I thought about how it would be a safer job and I would still be doing what I was doing now, at times. But what I really favored was that I could prove to Georgia I could be a good man. I was staying hopeful she would wake up and be okay.

“I’ll take it,” I told him.

“Great. Now just focus on that woman right there. I can tell she’s special.” He squeezed my shoulder and then left the room.

“Come on, wake up,” I pleaded aloud to Georgia as I grabbed her hand.

All of a sudden, I felt a squeeze!



When I opened my eyes, I realized I was in a white room that looked like a doctor’s exam room.

“Georgia? Oh, you’re back, baby!” I heard a man’s voice next to me say.

I turned and instantly recognized him. Suddenly everything came back to me and I was fully alert.

“Hank?” I whispered. My throat was sore. “Water,” I requested.

He grabbed a glass and poured me some from a pitcher on the counter. “Here.” He handed it to me and I gulped it down.

“Where am I?” I asked as I handed him back the glass.

I looked around the room again. I didn’t think I was in a hospital. But the room felt like a medical office.

“You are in Roberto’s doctor’s office. You are safe.” He grabbed my hand again.

“Where’s Donovan?” I asked, feeling my heart race. I didn’t know if I was still in danger.

“Roberto has sent him away. And that means we won’t see him for a long time or ever again.“ Hank gave me a serious look and I believed him.

I didn’t need to know the details. I was just glad that Donovan was gone.

“You stayed with me?” I asked, realizing he was holding onto my hand tightly as if I was his lifeline. He was clearly exhausted too. I briefly wondered how long I was out and if he had stayed the whole time.

“I never left your side. I was so afraid I’d lose you.” He kissed the top of my hand.

I looked at this man. He was tough and guarded, but that was just the shell of him. I could see that on the inside he was just someone whose life had beaten him up, forcing him to survive in any way he could. Before me, I saw a man who just needed love.

“I’m here.” I smiled at him. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Hank nodded. “I know I am not a man who deserves you. I have done so many bad things in my life, and I almost did them to you. But your light has changed me. Just give me a chance to prove it to you.”

“All my life, I’ve been the good girl. Afraid to break the rules. All that got me was a man who pretended to love me and a bullet in my stomach.” I squeezed his hand. “I’m ready to see where a life with you will take me. I can’t say I am okay with you killing people for a living, but I don’t want you to leave. We can figure out how to make this work.”

“Roberto gave me a new job. Head of his security. I may have to do jobs for him now and then, but it’s no longer being a hired killer. I took the job for you. I want to prove to you that I can be good.”

I cradled his face in the palm of my hand. “I already see that there is good in you. You’ve proven it to me. A bad man wouldn’t have saved my life, and he wouldn’t have stayed by my side or gotten me the help I needed to live. You’ve already proven yourself.”

He leaned over and kissed my lips. I grabbed him and pulled him closer to me. Our kiss was desperate and passionate. It said all the things our hearts still needed to. After a few minutes, Hank pulled back.

“What a messed up story we are.” He chuckled.
