Page 6 of Hit of Betrayal

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“Bullshit,” I said as I glared into his eyes.

He let go of me and I rushed to my purse. I grabbed my phone and just as I went to dial 911, I heard a pounding on my front door.

“Shh,” my abductor-turned-wanna-be-savior said to me. He walked out of the bedroom shutting the door behind him.

“Hank!” I heard a man’s voice yell from the other side of the front door. “Open the damn door!” I recognized that voice. It was Donovan.

“He’s alive,” I whispered, and then my world went black.



I realized what an idiot Donovan was. The whole apartment building probably heard him pounding on the door. I was curious as to how he managed to fake his death. I figured his father had to of handled everything, I just didn’t understand why.

Ricardo Zoria was a smart man, he never left loose ends. That was one of the many reasons I liked working for him. But this whole operation seemed careless, and that was probably because Donovan was in charge of it.

I ran back into the bedroom ready to plead with the stubborn women that we needed to escape out a window or something. That’s when I saw her on the floor, passed out. Again. I sighed, realizing things just got more complicated. I had no idea what I was going to do.

“This is bullshit!” Donovan yelled from the other side of the door.

I was in awe of what a man-baby he was. No wonder his father didn’t have him in charge of anything else, that I knew of. He sounded like a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum.

I had to make a decision. Did I want to confront this moron and possibly get myself shot? Or grab an unconscious woman and look like a kidnapper to the outside world as I climbed out the window? The next bang on the front door helped me make that decision. I thought the door would probably give out at any moment.

I ran to the window and threw it open. Seconds later, I had Georgia over my shoulder and her purse in my hand as I carefully climbed out, managing not to hit her head. My car was around the corner of the apartment complex, parked on the street.

As I rushed down the sidewalk I saw curious looks and I even saw someone take out their phone. Thankfully, I turned the corner before they could get a picture of my face, but I was sure the police would be called. I just hoped they found Donovan in her apartment. I smiled at the thought of him in jail, having to get bailed out, proving he was a screw-up.

When I got to my car, I pulled the keys from my pocket and clicked the button to unlock it. After I threw open the back seat door, I set Georgia’s unconscious body across the seats and put her purse on the floorboard before I slammed the door shut.

I ran behind my car to the driver's seat. I didn’t even look for oncoming cars as I threw open my door and climbed in. I turned the car on and, again not looking, drove away from the curb and away from the scene. I was lucky no one had been coming. An accident with an unconscious woman in the back seat would not go over very well.

I drove towards my apartment to grab a few items. I wanted to kick myself for not having my emergency escape duffle bag in the trunk anymore. I had just gotten my car washed inside and out and hadn’t put it back in. I got too confident in my abilities. I hadn’t had to use it yet and I figured this job was going to be an easy one. This proved that I should never assume anything.

I pulled up to the gate of my apartment complex and clicked the button on my clicker for the gate to open. It opened slowly, the seconds feeling like minutes, and I was ready to lose it by the time it opened enough for me to drive in. I zoomed in and parked in my spot. I jumped out of my car and up the stairs to my apartment, praying no one saw Georgia in my back seat.

After I grabbed my emergency duffel bag filled with essentials to last me a few weeks as well as a couple of personal items, I locked my apartment and ran back down the stairs. As I threw the duffel bag into my trunk my phone rang. I looked at it and it read it was Ricardo Zoria. But I knew it was Donovan again. The fact that he was using his father’s phone was suspicious to me, but I didn’t have time to figure that out. I declined the call.

As I got back into the car I heard a ringing from the back seat. I turned around and saw Georgia slowly rise as if she had just woken from a nap and not from blacking out. She looked around confused and then down at her purse, where the ringing was coming from.

“Don't!” I yelled and tried to reach for her purse, but I was too late. She already had the phone in her hand and had pressed the button to answer it, giving me a look that said to ‘go away’.

“Hello?” Her voice was groggy.

“Hello, Angel,” I heard the voice on the other line say. It was Donovan.

“Donovan?” She became alert real quick. “Is that really you?”

“Yes, Baby. I’m sorry I’ve been away. I did it to keep you safe. That man you are with is dangerous. You need to get away from him.”

I could hear the slickness in his voice and I rolled my eyes.

“He mentioned some key,” she stated, not addressing what he just said. Her voice still held confusion.

“Baby, I tracked your phone. I’ll be to you soon. Don’t move. I got you.” His voice was full of concern, but I could tell it was fake.

“Fuck you.” She hung up the phone. I looked at her in shock. “What?” She asked me as if I had no reason to be surprised.
