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“Atticus, you need to be firm.” Another voice says, “Young woman, what are you doing in our house?”

This makes me wake up. Pulling the bedding higher, I find three sets of eyes staring back at me. Green. Blue. Brown. All male. All pissed. No one that I know. Sitting, I groan as my shoulder throbs and everything that happened comes rushing back to me. Holy hell. Did I really fall asleep?

Mr. Brooding with the green eyes says, “Don’t get sick in my bed, angel.”

I nod my understanding. Plus, his deep voice calms me.

Mr. Sourpuss with the blue eyes frowns. “Why are you being nice to her, Atticus?”

Mr. Sweet, with the brown eyes, says, “Guys, she’s looking a bit green. Maybe adoctorshould look at her shoulder.”

That snaps me out of the daze I’m in, but I don’t miss Mr. Sourpuss’ frown. Jerk! Why doesn’t he want a doctor called?

“I’m fine. No doctor.”

“What’s your name, angel?” Mr. Brooding asks.

“Goldie. And you?”

“Me? I’m Atticus Behr. These are my brothers, Finn and Oliver.”

My eyes widen. A. O. F. Guess that solves that mystery. Wait. I’m in A’s bed. Atticus’ bed, to be exact. My gaze goes to him. He’s the one who smells so yummy.

“Do you know who we are, angel?”

I shake my head. Oliver, with the chocolate brown eyes grins, like this tickles him.

“Should I?”

“Yes, angel, you should.”

His tone makes me warm all over, which is messed up.

“I’m not an angel,” I blurt out. “It’s Goldie. Just Goldie.”

They exchange glances, as if they’re having a silent conversation. Behr… Should I know that last name? I don’t think Wolfe works with anyone named Behr.

Oliver asks, “How did you get shot?”

How does he know it’s a gunshot wound? Has he been shot before? And should I tell him the truth or lie? Something tells me they’d see right through a lie.

“I got caught breaking into a house.”

They stare at me, as if they can’t believe I just admitted it. I can’t believe I did, either. How much blood have I lost?

“Whose house were you breaking into? Ours?” Finn, with the blue eyes and the soured expression on his handsome face, asks.

“No, it was a few blocks over. An older man.”


This is where they’re likely to kill me or call the cops. But I’m so tired that it might be nice sleeping in a jail cell for the night. At least I’ll have a place that’s dry and warm to rest for the night.

“I was hired to steal something from him. A necklace.”

Atticus asks, “Who hired you?”

“He goes by Wolfe. I’m sorry. That’s all I know.”
