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I take the phone from Danil. “What is it?”

“The truck was stopped at the weigh station ten miles south of St. Louis, the one both you and I are supposed to control. My man is saying the assholes are new. The usual men are not there,” Manuel states without inflection.

The man is as always ice. It’s moments like this I’m jealous of the psychopath for not feeling a thing like concern over losing a metric ton of cocaine. If it was lost the Rodriguez cartel would replace it, but that wouldn’t mean shit if it could be connected to me. All the shipments happened under shell companies that were created, lived for a few years, then died, and new ones were created in their place. This is the first shipment under this new shell company. Too much pressure applied and the shell could break apart.


He gives them to me. “Ten minutes,” I tell him as I hang up.

I tell Danil to get me to my office as I call Valdez. I know Valdez hates calls dealing with issues on the transportation of drugs. He has no problem with the movement of arms, but drugs are ones he would rather not deal with. Which means this will cost me twice his usual already expensive rate. It didn’t matter, the man was worth three times what he charged.

No surprise Valdez goes silent—I feel him thinking. I don’t press the man. He will make his decision on his own time. “Names.”

I give them to him.

“I’ll handle it. Give me seven. Consider it a wedding present.”

Before I can thank him he hangs up on me. I get out in front of my restaurant and head upstairs to my office, intent on waiting until it’s confirmed the shipment will continue to Chicago.

I reach my office and shut the door on Pavel, telling him I’m available to no one but my brothers, and wife. The wordwifeslides off my tongue the same way it had yesterday at the sight of Celia. She is my wife, my woman, my every fucking thing. I just wish I knew what was going on in her damn head.

In my chair my head goes back as my mind twists over what happened in the dressing room. I do not understand what is going on with Celia. Nothing she has done makes any sense except her saying yes.

The last thing I want to do is spank her delicious round ass. However, I can see more of it in the immediate future, and not just because I have a feeling despite my warning, she will push my limits again. But because of how wet it made her. Just like it did the first time, it surprised the fuck out of me the way virgin Celia responded to the spanking.

At this rate there is no way in hell I’m going to be able to wait for the thirty days until our wedding day. Especially with that lie she told about needing a doctor’s appointment. I make the call.

The usual nurse answers. “Yes, sir.”

“I need the doctor, now.”

“Yes, sir.” No argument.

In less than a minute the doctor answers. “Yes, Mr. Levin.”

“I need an appointment for my fiancée tomorrow. She thinks she’s going in for birth control. You aren’t going to give her that. The fertility shot we discussed, that’s what you’re going to give.”

Although she tries to hide her sigh, I hear it. “You’ll make the call?”

“As long as you keep doing exactly what I tell you, I will make the call every week. Then once my fiancée is pregnant I will make the final call,” I promise her. Keeping her husband safe in prison was easy enough. The final call, getting him out, would require more effort but would be done once the doctor completed her end of our bargain.

This time there is no hesitation. “Okay, looking at her cycle information, this is a perfect time for the shot. Your best window will be for seven to ten days after the day of the shot, which syncs with her most fertile time of the month. When would you like her to come in?”


“I’ll schedule her.”

The shot combined with the pills Sergei has been feeding her for the last six months should guarantee a pregnancy in the next few months. Once she is pregnant, maybe this lingering fear that she’ll walk away from me will die.

What the hell is going with her? I might have let my need get away from me—touching her always fucks with my head. After so many years, now that I finally could touch her, I lost control. Yet how was she also not willing to give free rein to her own desires and need for me? Both things I saw clearly on her face, felt when I touched her. Yesterday everything seemed perfect, the end of pretending. Of going without her. Only nothing has gone the way I expected it.


“Nikita,we’ve discussed this. You will marry her and you’ll do it without being an asshole about it,” I growl at my little brother. I do not have the patience for this. Glancing at my watch, the time is crawling to the hour.

“How come you get to pick your bride?” Nikita throws his glass against the wall in frustration.

Aleksander is splashed by the vodka. Our eyes meet, he sighs. He is only ten months younger than me. We’ve been as close as twins since we were toddlers. Long ago words were not necessary for us to communicate. He exhales the smoke of his cigar. “Because he’s the fuckingpakhan. Being born first has its rewards. He also happens to have a hard-on for an effective chess piece. You’re marrying to secure your own piece.”
