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She smiles. “Zander, I like it.”

I bring the baby to her. He immediately begins rooting for food.

“I’ll leave you both and let the nurse know you’re ready for a new bottle.”

“Thank you.” She gives a wave before turning her attention to the baby.

“Is Zander, all right with you?” I want to confirm.

A fast nod. “I do. I love it.”

“He was a very good baby while you slept.” I marvel at how happy she is.

Her smile is hesitant. “You think he was good?”

I’m a fucker. She had felt it. Sitting down at the edge of the bed, I run a hand over his head. “Very good. I think we’re lucky with this one.”

I want to kick my own ass at how tension flows out of her.

The nurse is back with a bottle. While Phoenix feeds him, I watch them both. Their mutual adoration is clear. She’s leaning into me as she burps him. Her grimace of pain is a flicker.

“What’s the matter? Do you need another pain pill?”

Shaking her head, she blushes. “I’m full again. I need to use the breast pump.”

I take the baby and put him back in the bassinet. Grabbing the pump and a few bottles for her to fill when I turn back to her, she’s opening the gown, bearing her breasts without a hint of embarrassment. So fucking sexy. My cock aches as I sit down beside her.

Milk is leaking from her nipples, little drops falling down her body. I brush the back of my finger over the slope of her breast down to the nipple. “You’ve already produced six bottles today. What a good girl you are. I’m proud of you.” Her breath catches and milk flows faster. “Can Daddy try a taste?”

A hand goes into my hair and draws me to her breast. When I catch her breast in my mouth her little sigh goes straight to my cock. Hm, it’s different. Silky, slightly sweet, I suck deeper for more. Both hands are in my hair now. She melts into the bed, taking me with her. It takes a minute to find a more comfortable position that doesn’t have me almost on her.

What feels like too soon there’s no more milk. Yet when I worry I’m hurting her and let her breast fall from my mouth she gives a happy little sigh as she moves me to her other breast. Cock leaking, I latch on and we both sigh.

Her fingers are stroking my hair. For the first time since we came screeching through the doors to the hospital she’s finally calm and at peace. My own breathing and contentment is so deep I wonder if I’m going to fall asleep.

When she’s empty, I let her breast fall and press a kiss to her nipple.

She smiles, her face is glowing. “I loved it. Thank you, Daddy.”

I give in and kiss her lightly. “Thank you for feeding Daddy. Your milk tastes almost as sweet as your cunt.”

Laughing, “I love you. Will you please do it again?”

“Anytime you want. If you let Daddy do it as often as I want you’ll be feeding me until he’s two.” I warn her.

“It sounds like heaven.” Her sigh is happy, as she brings my hand up to her breast to cup it. This is a way she’s loved falling asleep as we cuddled in the past.

“This is heaven. Our own little heaven.” I have no doubt of it.

* * *


I’m anxious to go home. I want Daddy all to myself without doctors or nurses or even our family in and out of our room. It’s three days though before the doctor gives me a release to go home.

I didn’t see why I had to stay in so long. It wasn’t as if the nurses did more than take blood and annoy the fuck out of me with the way they were in and out of the room. They didn’t help me bathe or anything. Daddy took care of me and Zander. I’m so relieved he has fallen in love with Zander. Anything Zander needs or wants Daddy is instantly ready to give him. I felt the teeniest bit jealous when Daddy was feeding him with a little smile on his face the whole time and barely took his eyes off him.

Then I remembered this is exactly what I worried wouldn’t happen the first day when Daddy didn’t even glance at him if he wasn’t in my arms. Celia warned me it might happen, men didn’t have the whole growing them connection women had. The bonding could take a few days or even weeks. It’s why she urged me to also supplement with formula or pump for Daddy to give a bottle when I told her I wanted to breastfeed.
