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Considering her gasp, the quiet following my statement has me curious.

“Why?” It’s barely a sound.

“Because you will have enough to process in the change of going from my enemy to my wife. While my brother is in a rush to get his wife with child, I am not. Let me know when you’re ready and I’ll give you as many children as you want.”

Relief is a wave that flows from her. “Really?”

“Yes, you want one, we have one. You want a dozen they’re yours. However you want them, whenever you want them. I’ll leave that up to you.”

She rubs her cheek over my chest. “You’re so hard.” A small hand runs down my stomach. “Everywhere.”

Christ. Her tongue is following her hand. No, I need to clean up myself, then her. I try to sit up, but my shoulder aches and my head swims. My hand comes away wet. “Baby girl, turn on the lights, please.”

“What? Why?” The light goes on. Her scream of my name tells me what I need to know. My head is swimming from a loss of blood. I tore my stitches and blood is soaking through my bed, again.

“Call my brother, Milos. I need his blood,” I mutter as I work to slow my breathing, the better not to bleed out before Milos gets here.

* * *


My stomach is twisting so tightly I fight not to cry. I’m on the sofa then up again for what is probably the ninth time since Milos walked through the door almost an hour ago.

Milos hasn’t spoken a word of English. He stared at me but refused to speak directly at me. He hates my guts. And I don’t blame him this time. I knew better. I heard the doctor tell him to be careful. I climbed on him like some whore who was desperate for a hard cock between her legs, inside her, oh god. I shake my head, not oh god, it’s Aleksander. It always has been and always will be. If I didn’t manage to completely fuck up everything.

I’m stopped from pacing by Milos standing in my path. The man is a wall of black. With a face to match. “The only reason you aren't dead is because Aleksander forbids it. I was the one who told him he couldn't kill you when he wanted to weeks ago. At this moment, as my brother is being sewn up for tearing his stitches from the gunshot wound you gave him, I regret that denial, deeply. For his sake, so that he can heal peacefully, I'm taking your ass somewhere far away from him. I do not have time for this shit, and at this rate he doesn’t have the blood level.”

I blink back tears. All I want to do is go to Aleksander and touch him for myself. The doctor was way more tense this time than he was before. What if there was an infection or something? There was so much blood on the damn bed. For the second night in a row Aleksander lost a fuck ton of blood because of me. Jesus, we were now out of beds that didn’t have blood on them. After getting blood all over his bed, he’d been moved into the bed he’d been sleeping in while I was in his. Now this bed had blood all over it too.

For Aleksander I need to go with Milos.

“You aren't taking her anywhere,” Aleksander yells.

Following Milos into the bedroom, I hear Milos tell him, “You need to heal.”

“The stitches tore because she's an animal during sex. She didn't mean to hurt me. This is as much my fault as hers. In the dark we didn’t see the blood until I got dizzy—which I thought was from her gifted mouth.” His smile is wicked.

I cannot believe him. “Will you shut the hell up?”

Aleksander chuckles. “Go make me coffee.”

“I'm spitting in it,” I mumble as I leave them alone.

“How is that any different than when I eat your cunt?” The bastard winks at me.

I can’t believe him. I slam out of the room, too embarrassed to even glance at Milos.

I’m digging my nails into my clenched fists. Will Milos talk him into letting me go?

I’m pacing in the living room, nerves stretched tight. I will go with Milos if it’s what Aleksander wants. I feel the weight of angry eyes on me. I don’t blame him. I deserve his hatred. Still, I need him to tell me Aleksander is really going to be okay. “He’s okay, right?” I plead.

His cold words almost send me to my knees. “Keep an eye on him. If there’s any change, call me. I’ll be staying in my condo three floors up to get here as quickly as I can.”

Oh god, he wasn’t going to take me, but he’s so worried about Aleksander he’s going to stay close by. It only took the doctor ten minutes to get here but Milos had been at their family home in the suburbs, and even though they had sped here it took almost forty minutes. Forty minutes of watching the doctor become more serious as Aleksander grew more pale.

“I will,” I promise him.

“Phoenix!” Aleksander calls for me.
