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“Lydia is bringing an assistant as well as her husband. They will set up in the sitting room. You will go through the clothes with Lydia first. What you like I’ll see. Once I’ve approved what you want, you try it on and make your selection from there. Lydia has been informed you do not accept another person’s touch without invitation. So do not worry about mentioning it.” He takes out several bottles of sparkling water and glasses to place them on a tray.

I cringe. “Did you tell her…”

“Sweetheart, I adore your naivete. People of all kinds do not like to be touched. Once you set your boundary most are not inclined to cross it or even ask about it. The why of your boundary does not matter, only that you have it and they need to respect it.”

As I follow him, I can’t help wondering if everything is that simple. By the time he sets down the tray in the sitting room, the front door is opened by a woman in a maid’s uniform. Following her inside are two women and a tall man with his arm around the taller woman, who is obviously pregnant.

Daddy’s arm is tight around me as we enter the foyer where they wait for us. A nod at the maid and she disappears out the door again. “Lydia, thank you for helping my wife. Lydia, this is my wife Phoenix. Phoenix, her husband Decker Holt, and this is Sara?”

Lydia laughs. “Yes, Sara and Decker. Thank you for inviting my husband. I was worried he’d never agree to me coming to your home.”

“I understand him completely. I would never allow it if Phoenix asked me.” Daddy shrugs.

Shaking her head, Lydia looks to me. “These possessive men, as if we would let them go either? I hear your hubby is as bossy as mine when it comes to what you wear. But I still think you and I should have a talk about what you feel comfortable in. Do you have any thoughts?”

Daddy answers before I can, “I consider her happiness. However, if left up to my wife she would wear nothing but sweats and hoodies. I want her comfortable but I do not want her to hide from her body any longer.” Daddy is firm.

Clutching Daddy’s hand, I nod at Lydia, who narrowed her eyes at Daddy. “I don’t want to live in sweats and hoodies anymore. I really don’t.”

Lydia smiles at me gently. “As long as it’s what makes you happy.”

The front door opens and four large men are each carrying a rack of clothing inside to the sitting room. How in the world could each of them carry all that stuff? I’m wondering as they exit the house without another word.

“Something to drink before you begin? I have liquor as well,” Daddy offers.

Everyone shakes their head. Daddy lets go of my hand. “If you need me, I’ll be in the library across the way.”

I watch him and Decker go, hating it. Determined to not be a baby, I follow the smiling Lydia and assistant.

The rails of clothes are packed. I’m still wondering how the men carried them in when Lydia begins pulling some things from one rack. “Okay, comfort. Let’s start there since you know what you like.”

Over the next hour it’s easier than I hoped to work with Lydia. She never once mentions me not liking being touched, but both she and her assistant don’t even invade my personal space. Gradually I become more relaxed. After the casual clothing, we’re finally going through the beautiful formal dresses.

“Okay, these are the most fun ones. I love formal wear and I dress up maybe three or four times a year.”

One of the dresses catches my eye. Oh how it sparkles. Except when she holds it up, I see the only thing covering me in the front are the sparkles. “Daddy won’t like it,” is out of my mouth without thinking.

Face flaming at what I said, I consider melting into the floor when she raises an eyebrow. “Since Daddy doesn’t have to wear it, I don’t care if he likes it or not. I care if you do. Daddies can have their say, but at the end of the day it’s up to you.”

“I don’t want to upset him. I want to make him as happy as he makes me. And I don’t mind not wearing the dress. As pretty as it is, I wouldn’t be comfortable wearing it out anyway,” I admit as I run a hand over it.

“Well then, if it’s about what you are comfortable in, it’s also a no to what you can’t imagine being comfortable in. Now then, what do you think about this one?”

The moment passes. Lydia didn’t raise her eyebrows or judge me for calling Aleksander Daddy. Even thinkingAleksanderdoesn’t feel right anymore. I sigh in relief. Daddy was right.

Once everything is selected, Lydia goes across the hall to let Daddy know. The men appear again and take away the two racks where Lydia and Sara put the items I didn’t want.

Daddy ushers them from the room and helps me try on the clothes to ensure everything fits and he approves, he admits without apology. He pulls doors from pockets in the doorway I had no idea were there. Turning, he sighs. “How are you doing, baby?”

“I’m good. I like her. I like both of them. But I really like Lydia, she’s very sweet. And um…”

“What?” He pulls me into his arms.

“I called you Daddy and she didn’t say a word about it. She even referred to you as Daddy. It feels weird to call you anything else.”

A hand goes around my neck and squeezes lightly. “That’s because I am your Daddy, and you don’t call me by anything else.”

I sag into him. “Yes, Daddy.”
