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DC frowned and wrinkled her nose in confusion.

“We have family?” She asked.

Doc shook his head a bit sadly. “No, baby, they kicked me out when I started prospecting for the Warriors. I tried to reach out when Rick was born but nothing. I was told never to contact them again, so I haven’t. I do see my brother around but we don’t talk.” He waved around the restaurant. “This, all of these men and women, they are our family and will always be our family. We don’t need those fuckers, we are good just the way we are.” He finished and put his arm around his woman, drawing her close.

DC gave a slow nod and Hawk reached out and took her hand in his. It was time to change the subject.

“The reason I asked to meet is to formally ask for your permission to marry my old lady. We want to get married on Christmas day.”

He kept hold of his old lady’s hand and watched Doc’s expression go from smiling to a frown.

“Why the fuck do you want to get married on Christmas day?” He asked.

“Because everyone will be there already, Dad. Even Rick is coming to spend the day with us.” DC answered him.

The frown disappeared as he thought about it, then nodded. “That makes sense.”

Looking at Hawk he gave him a hard look. “You have my permission to marry my daughter, but, I reserve the right to fuck you up if you don’t treat her right.”

He knew what Doc was saying without saying it. If Hawk ever stepped out on his daughter he would come for him. It wasn’t a problem because he’d never do it.

Not ever.

DC Michaels was the life that flowed through his veins. Without her they might as well put him in the ground.

Doc’s woman reached across the table and put her hand on top of theirs and squeezed.

“Congratulations. I don’t know either of you but Mark, I mean Doc, has spoken about both of you so much it feels like I do. May your life forward be filled with love, peace and beautiful healthy children.”

“You will come with dad on Christmas day, right?” DC asked.

“Thank you for inviting me, I’d love to come. My daughter lives in New Zealand and this year I won’t be joining her and her family for Christmas. It was going to be a lonely Christmas but now it isn’t. I’m so excited for both of you. If there’s anything I can do to help please feel free to ask.”

It seems like Doc had found a good one. And by the smile on his old lady’s face he knew she thought the same.

Hawk spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon totally relaxed.

By the time they left he knew Doc was going to give the woman at his side his patch. He had finally found someone to fill the emptiness left behind when DC’s mother was killed. His days of fucking random pussy was done.

When they got home and after they had the boys settled for the night he would be talking to his old lady about it. He didn’t want her to be caught off guard when it happened.

He shouldn’t have worried.

His old lady was fully aware of what was going on. And she was happy for her dad.

It was the other daughter who was going to be a problem.

Deena Michaels was a spoilt little bitch and she wasn’t going to like her daddy not giving her his full attention when she demanded it. She already wasn’t speaking to DC because his old lady wouldn’t drop whatever she was doing to take care of whatever imaginary problem the bitch had.

The same treatment had been meted out to Dollar when he didn’t jump to be at her side whenever she called. He couldn’t see the relationship lasting. Unfortunately his brother had bonded with her baby.

It was going to hit him hard when the bitch threw him out. He and some of the brothers knew it was going to happen.

Hawk was sure it was going to happen soon and he had several brothers keeping an eye on the situation.

They would be there for Dollar when the time came. As would his old lady.

It wasn’t something he had the time to worry about.
