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“We’re getting married today.” She said with a brilliant smile.

“Yes, we are.” He agreed then grinned up at her and winked.

His old lady narrowed her eyes at him with suspicion in those dark depths.

“I might have made a tiny change to the wedding.” He admitted.

Her eyes widened. “What? What did you do? It’s perfect just as it is.”

He shook his head. “No, baby, it wasn’t. I changed one of the songs. It’s not a big change, just a song I thought was more appropriate.”

She dropped her forehead onto his chest and groaned. Her breath gusted over his nipple and he shuddered in reaction.

“Okay, as long as it was only one song. Which one did you change?”

He shook his head. “Nope, not telling you. You will hear it when you hear it.”

Lifting her head she stared at him with those black eyes but he refused to budge. Suddenly she smiled. “Okay, I like that you’re so involved you wanted a specific song. I look forward to listening to it with you.”

She settled back down on his chest and he knew by her breathing she was about to go back to sleep.

Lifting a hand he smacked her ass, hard.

His old lady yelped and sat up, making her soaking pussy settle over his dick.

Of course the bastard immediately reacted. It wanted that hot wet pussy.

Not this morning though.

There wasn’t time for a second round.

“Off, baby, and into the shower with you. We need to get the boys up and give them their presents, get them fed, washed and dressed. We have a long day ahead of us.” He winked at her and smiled. “It’s the boys’ first Christmas and our wedding day.”

Fuck. He couldn’t stop saying it.

Their wedding day.

Even in his head it sounded fucking fantastic.

Muttering about him being a spoil sport his old lady slid off him and stomped into the bathroom. He waited until he heard the shower start up before he got up to join her.

No shower sex this morning.

He was braiding his damp hair when he looked over at his old lady. She was dressed in bright pink sleep shorts and one of his faded black tees knotted at the waist, her hair damp and curly around her beautiful face.

“Baby, what the fuck are you wearing? We’re not going to the club with you looking like that.” He growled at her.

His old lady laughed and shook her head. “Don’t be silly, I’m not going to the club wearing this. The boys are going to get me all mucky and I don’t want a mess on my new jeans and tee.”

Okay. That sounded reasonable. They were known to spit their breakfast all over the place and get their hands messy by shoving them into their mouths. Following her example he pulled on a pair of sleep pants and a tee.

Going into the boys’ bedroom he smiled as both heads turned towards him and they started babbling. Big smiles greeted him.

DC stepped up beside him and both boys lifted their arms instantly.

He picked up Ash and she had Nix. They had the routine down and very quickly had their nappies changed. Reaching for Nix he held both his boys and carried them downstairs to the big Christmas tree they had in the family room. There were a lot of brightly wrapped packages under the tree. It looked like a lot but it was because there was two of each present.

Sitting down on the carpet he set the boys between his wide open legs facing the tree. A real tree that would be planted at the bottom of the garden afterwards. Their eyes were on the flickering lights and the glittering shit hanging from the branches.
