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“If there’s nothing else I think we’re done here.”

His men nodded and all met his eyes as he looked around the room.

They had become closer as a club.

Closer as brothers.

Picking up the gavel he smashed it down.

“Remember to put your names on the list at the bar. The roster for duty at the strip clubs will be sent to your phones. Be careful out there.”

Sin unlocked the doors and feet shuffled as his men left.

Pushing up out of his chair he picked up the monitor and followed them out.

Before his day started in earnest he had to check on his boys. DC had appointments she could not reschedule and had left them with him.

Never in his wildest dreams had he thought he would be happy to stay home and look after his babies. Not ever.

And he was happy to do it.

They were his boys and he wanted to spend as much time with them as possible. His own dad had left him to his mother until he was old enough to sit on a bike without falling off.

He would not be doing the same with his own boys. He wanted to be there for everything.

He was going to be part of their lives, every day until the day he stopped breathing.



“Listen to Mamma, hellions, and believe me I’m serious. If you don’t stop screaming as if the world is ending we’re going to have a problem. You’ve had your baths, you’ve had your bottles, and your asses are dry. It’s time for you to sleep and not give me grief.” I waved a finger at my crying sons but it had absolutely no effect on them. They were kicking wildly and howling like the little Iron Dogz they were.

“Don’t think I don’t know what’s happening here. It’s that bloody Papa of yours, isn’t it? He’s been spoiling you while I’ve been working. Picking you up and lugging you around against his chest like you’re two new patches on his kutte. Now he’s gone off to the bloody strip club and will definitely be looking at bitches shaking their tits and asses. While I’m here with you two howling little hellions. Not fair boys, not fair at all.”

They paid no attention to me and kept howling.

I sighed as I gave in, like they most probably knew I would.

I picked Ash up first and then Nix, holding them against my chest, and what do you know.

Sniffles and instant silence followed by wide smiles and wet fluttering lashes. They were babies but the little shits were huge flirts, just like their dad.

I saw problems with girls in my future. And it would be their father’s fault.

“Right boys, I have some work to do, the two of you are going to sit in your bouncy chairs next to my desk and go to sleep. Okay?” I grinned at them and shook my head when they promptly grinned back.

They were big babies and clones of their dad. From the blonde hair to their big yellow eyes and beautiful smiles. The only thing they got from me is their skin colour, a totally gorgeous creamy caramel, about a shade lighter than my own.

My beautiful boys.

And did I say my boys were big? They were almost 6 months old but people always thought they were older.

With a hellion in each arm I walked down to my study and carefully strapped them into their bouncy chairs. It was a mission with two of them but by now I had it down.

Hawk had gone a little crazy and bought bouncy chairs for here at home and at the clubhouse. Same with all the other stuff babies need. We had two of everything.

Settling in my chair I opened my laptop and pulled up the planning sheet for the club’s Christmas lunch. We had a week left to get it done and there was still so much to do.
