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Tanner and I meet up a few more times that week. We go for walks around town, and he takes me out for dinner and drinks. And we kiss. He’s such a good kisser. I used to think kissing was kind of boring. A nice little prelude to what’s to follow, but with Tanner, I can spend ages kissing. I want to invite him up to my place, but I’m kind ofnervous. I’ve been with my fair share of guys before, but none as great as him; none as gorgeous as him.

I call him every night before bed just to talk, and I send him a good morning text when I wake up. I can’t help myself. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so connected to another person as quickly as I have with Tanner.

Want to grab dinner tonight?

I send the text at work, even though I’m not supposed to have my phone on me. My boss never notices anyway, so I think I’m good. In between customers, I check to see if Tanner has answered. We haven’t seen each other for a few days, and I can’t wait to spend time with him again. Right before my shift’s over, my phone dings.

Sure, come over. I’ll cook for you.

My stomach does a little flip as I read through the words again. I haven’t been to Tanner’s place yet; we’ve mostly seen each other at different places around town. This is a good sign, isn’t it? Him inviting me over? I spend ages getting ready, curling my hair and choosing my outfit carefully. Tanner’s clothes always seem so effortlessly put together; I don’t understand how he does it.

I eventually settle on some jeans and a light blue top with cut-out shoulders. Casual but pretty enough. Tanner’s apartment building is one of the new ones downtown, and when I take the elevator up to the fourth floor, I can’t help but notice the differences from where I live.

My place is decent; I shouldn’t complain. But this is so nice! Fresh and modern and probably really expensive. Tanner can obviously afford it, though. We haven’t discussed things like that, but people in his line of work make plenty of money, don’t they? Not that it matters; I’d like him regardless.

I find his apartment quickly and knock on the door. Tanner greets me with a hug and a warm smile, with a glass of wine in one hand.

“Come in! I just finished dinner,” he says and offers me a glass of wine, too. “I hope you like salmon.”

“I love salmon!” I exclaim, sipping my wine. I look around the large living room on our way to the kitchen. Tanner’s apartment has massive windows and dark hardwood floors that seem to surround the place. A big Christmas tree takes up a corner of the living room, beautifully decorated in red and gold.

“This place is gorgeous,” I whisper, and Tanner smiles.

“Thanks, I got lucky when I got it. There weren’t many places for sale when I moved into town.”

We go into the kitchen, and it smells amazing. Tanner finishes setting the table, and there are even lit candles.

“Wow, you really went all out.”

“I don’t have company over very often,” he says and pulls out a chair for me. “I guess I wanted to make a good impression.”

“Well, you’ve absolutely done that,” I reply and sit down.

Tanner plates some salmon and pasta for me, and I help myself to the salad. He sits down opposite me and raises his glass.

“I’m glad you came tonight,” he says as our glasses clink together. “I’ve enjoyed spending time with you lately.”

I try to school my face into a cool expression, but I can’t quite hold back the massive grin that springs forth at his words. “Me, too. I’ve enjoyed it a lot.”

“I’m glad.” He pauses, some of the warmth leaving his eyes. “I’ve had a bit of a hard time letting someone in after what happened with my ex.”

“I get it.” I take a bite of the fish. The salmon is practically falling apart as I bite into it. I almost moan when all the flavors hit me at once.

“I want to put all that behind me, though.”

I smile. “I hope you can do that with me.”

“I hope so, too.” Tanner reaches across the table and takes my hand. “I just need us to take things slow. I hope that’s okay.”

“Of course,” I answer him, but there’s a hint of disappointment that settles in my stomach. “Whatever you need.”

“Oh, good!” He looks relieved. Has he been stressing over this that much? “I was afraid you wouldn’t be on the same page about this.”

“No, I want you to be comfortable,” I tell him, even though he’s kind of right. “We’ll take things as they go. No pressure.”

“Thank you.” He brings my hand up to his lips and presses a soft kiss to my knuckles. “More wine?”

“Please.” I hand him my glass and watch him fill it up again. I shouldn’t feel bad. It’s not like he said we should stop seeing each other or anything. But I’m not a “take it slow” kind of girl. I’m all in. I thought Tanner was, too. We’ve been talking every day since we first met, for Heaven’s sake. Doesn’t that mean anything?
