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“And you’ll look like all the other girls,” Mistress Work-worthy reminded her.

“Now, for your other, er, problems…” Mistress Heal-all directed a look down at Breenah’s lap. “I think the best solution will be a hormone reducing, sensitivity numbing cream which I’ve been working on in my lab.”

“You simply rub it between your legs to bring the, er, swelling down,” Mistress Work-worthy told Breenah. “And that way your uniforms will fit you much better.”

“So…the cream will take away my feelings, er, down there?” Breenah asked, looking down at her sex. She couldn’t help remembering how good it had felt when the broad head of Rax’s shaft had rubbed against her button—her ‘clit’ as he called it. But now they were proposing to take that pleasure away.

“Yes! Shortly after you start using the cream, you won’t be able to feel a thing down there! And it’s only necessary to use it for a week for the effects to become permanent,” Mistress Heal-all exclaimed, as though she was giving Breenah excellent news. “Of course, the best thing about this regimen is, we can start it as soon as we’re done with the Lunar Equinox. I have the cream all ready to go, but I don’t want you to start it until I do the breast removal surgery.”

“That way you can get all the benefits at once,” Mistress Work-worthy said. “There—now isn’t that exciting? You’ll finally fit in.”

“What…what if I don’t want to fit in?” Breenah asked. “What if I don’t want to lose my sensitivity or my breasts?”

“Don’t be ridiculous!” Mistress Heal-all snapped. She leaned forward. “Let me tell you something, Breenah—our bodies have not always been the smooth, sleek, sexless machines that they are now. Why, do you know that before the Revolution, when we expelled all the males from Griesha Prime, the women of our planet all looked like you?”

“They…they did?” Breenah asked.

“Oh yes—they did.” Mistress Heal-all nodded.

“In fact, we females kept our curves for many generations after the Revolution,” Mistress Work-worthy said, taking up the narrative. “But we found that the males kept trying to come back.”

“Because our curves—our breasts and our…places down below—attracted them,” Mistress Heal-all said primly.

“As well as our ability to grow life within,” Mistress Work-worthy added. “As I was telling you briefly last night.”

“Yes—we females of Griesha Prime used to be able to grow babies within ourselves. Here.” Mistress Heal-all patted her flat belly. “Males, of course, don’t have this capacity—so the males that we ejected kept trying to come back to Griesha Prime so they could put us all in sexual bondage and force us to grow babies in our bodies for them again.”

“So women really had wombs inside them?” Breenah asked, trying to look surprised, though she and Rax had discussed this at length the night before. “Wombs that grew babies?”

“They did and their bodies would swell up when a male planted a baby in them—it was called ‘getting pregnant’,” Mistress Heal-all said. “It used to be the only way to bring new members into a society.”

“A few generations back, the decision to get rid of our womanly characteristics—and the ability to bear children or to ‘get pregnant’—was made,” Mistress Work-worthy said. “This was before we placed the neural net around the planet to keep males out, you understand,” she added. “After that was in place, we no longer needed to keep ourselves sexless because the net kept the males away.”

“But by that time, we had found that the elimination of hormones and curves and sensitive body parts has made our society happier, healthier, and stronger,” Mistress Heal-all told her. “Because no one is distracted by sexual thoughts and feelings now.” She sniffed and gave Breenah a critical look. “Unfortunately, every once in a great while, a female who looks like one from our past is born.”

“That’s you, Breenah,” Mistress Work-worthy said. “We think the hormone balance on your artificial womb was off-kilter somehow, which resulted in you having large breasts and, er, other problems.”

“Other problems? Like a womb that can grow a baby?” Breenah put a hand to her belly, thinking guiltily how she’d had almost this same conversation with Rax the night before. What would the two Superiors think if they knew she had his seed in her pussy slit right this moment? Seed that could have planted a baby in her belly if they were…what did he say again? Oh yes, only if they were bonded, whatever that meant.

“Exactly—we’re quite sure you have a functional womb, which simply isn’t right in this day and age. But now we can fix you,” Mistress Heal-all said. “And you only have to wait a little longer—we just need to get through the Lunar Equinox. Directly after it’s finished, we’ll get started. We’ll remove your breasts and your sensitivity and within a week you’ll be like everyone else in the Compound.”
