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“Dammit. I have to respect that, but if you hurt him again, I will make you regret it.”

“And if he takes another stupid risk?”

“I’ll still make you pay for it.”

“Well, that’s seems very fair.”

Rhys just laughed.

“Does Rogue ever put himself first?”

Rhys’s eyes widened, and he stared at me. “I… Several years ago, I would have said he put himself first all the time, that he acted without thought to the consequences, but now… now I see everything differently, and I don’t think he does, not really.”

“I want to teach him to.”

Rhys narrowed his eyes and studied me. “Maybe, just maybe, I can learn to like you being with my brother.”

“You can.”



When I hopped out of the bathroom after my shower the next morning, Rogue was standing in my room. I could tell by his scowl that I was in trouble.

“I told you I would help you shower.”

“The only way I want you helping me with a shower is if you’re joining me.”

He looked pointedly at my still very swollen foot. “You’re not in any shape to handle that.”

“I would manage.”

He rolled his eyes. “Did you tell Grant to make me sleep?”

“Good morning, Ghost. How are you feeling?”

He snorted. “It’s almost afternoon.”

“Then maybe you actually got enough sleep.”

“There are things that need to be done around here.”

“Yes, and you have some very capable ranch hands as well as your brothers to help do them.”

Rogue sighed. “It’s my choice how much I sleep.”

“Not when you’re this stubborn. Do you ever think maybe you deserve some time for yourself?”

He glared at me, but he didn’t respond. I tried not to let him see how hard it was for me to hobble to the bed. Putting even the slightest weight on my foot still hurt like hell. I was relieved to make it across the room without having to stop. When I reached the bed, I sat down on the end and held out my arms. “Come here.”

He looked down at my foot, then locked eyes with me. “Your foot is going to swell more if you sit like that. You need to keep it elevated.”

“It’s doing a lot better.” That was more or less true.

“Slide back on the bed and let me prop it up.”

“You’re so bossy.”

He huffed. “You need someone to be.”

“Are you going to let me take care of you like this next time you need it?”

“I won’t need it. I’m done with bull riding.”

I’d known he was stubborn, but he was surpassing even my expectations. “That’s not the only way to get hurt, and you know it.”

“I’m not good at being taken care of.”

“I guessed that somehow, but you deserve it, and I’m going to make you rest the next time you’re hurt or sick.” I adjusted myself on the bed like he asked, but once my foot was propped up, I patted the bed beside me. “Sit down.”

“I should go to the barn.”

“Rogue. Sit down. You’re so damn tense.”

“Yeah, my… you disappeared, and I thought you might be dead, and now you’re back, and I have all these feelings, but—”

“Turn around.”


“I’m going to give you a massage.”

“You don’t—”

I took hold of his wrist, squeezing firmly. “Turn around.”

His eyes widened, and he did what I said. “Good. Now relax. I need to loosen you up.”

As I dug my fingers into his shoulders, I realized how sexual that sounded. “I don’t want anything from you. This is all about you feeling better, relaxing, and remembering it’s okay to ask for help and expect things from others.”

“Mmm. God, that feels good.”

“Close your eyes and just enjoy it.”

I worked out the knots in his shoulders then continued the massage down his back until I reached the waistband of his pants. I wanted to skim my fingers lower, to have him stand and bend over so I could eat his ass, but I couldn’t ask that, not yet.

I lay back against the pillows, hating that I had to stop touching him.

Rogue stood and turned around. I couldn’t help but notice the way his cock was tenting his sleep pants. When I forced my gaze up to his face, his cheeks were red, and he was watching me.

“I… That was…”

I was going to die if I couldn’t touch him again. “Can I please suck you off?”



My heart raced. I wanted to say yes so badly. Ghost’s touch had been so soothing, and once I’d relaxed, all I could think about was how good he always made me feel and how much I wanted more.

“I don’t expect anything in return. Let me do this for you.”

I licked my lips as I looked down at him. “I… This is…”

“No strings. No pressure. You deserve to feel good.”

I pushed my sleep pants down, letting my dick spring out. He watched intently as I stroked myself. I knew there would be strings whether or not he meant there to be. The more time I spent with him, the more I realized how deeply I’d fallen for him, but I didn’t want to say no. I could if I needed to. I could walk away and jerk off alone in my room, but I wanted this. I wanted his mouth around me, him showing me how much he needed to please me. It was his turn to serve me, and for once, I was absolutely good with that. “Do it.”
