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“I love you.” He pulled me to him for a kiss that quickly turned very distracting. One second he was grinding against me, and the next he’d pushed me away like I’d burned him. “You are not seducing your way out of this riding lesson.”

“I would never try such a thing.”

“Yeah, right.”


I’d put Bob on a lunge line so I had some control while Ghost was attempting to walk him around the perimeter of the ring. He looked damn good on horseback even if he was a terrible student.

Once again Bob stopped and refused to move. “Why is he so stubborn?”

“He will obey you if you give the right commands and focus.”

“You didn’t tell me how complicated this is.”

“Are you saying you weren’t able to complete complicated missions in the FBI?”

“That’s not the same.”

I raised my brows, and he looked away. Bob started moving again in the direction Ghost was looking.

“He’s going to run into the fence,” Ghost yelled.

“No, he’s going to stick his head through and nibble the grass.”

Ghost huffed when Bob did exactly that.

I tugged on the lunge line and whistled. Reluctantly, Bob turned to face me. “Keep your heels down, grip the reins like I taught you, and look where you want Bob to go.”

Ghost finally gave in to the inevitable. He was going to have to actually listen to me if he was going to succeed at this. Neither of us were good at taking orders, but we were slowly learning give and take.

Once he’d walked a full circle without incident, I had him cross through the middle, making diagonal passes. Now that he’d caught on, he was moving so much better with Bob. My heart fluttered as I watched him. He was all mine, and he was staying at the ranch with me. I was still having trouble believing that.

Ghost turned my way, and Bob started to stray toward me. “Don’t look at me. Look at the post you’re heading toward.”

“But I want to look at you.”

“There will be time for that later.”

“There better be.”

We worked for a few more minutes, then I had him bring Bob to a stop in the center of the ring. I looked up with what I was sure was a dopey smile on my face. “You’re doing really well.”


“Yes. If you keep listening, I’ll have you cantering in no time.”

I taught him the proper way to dismount, and when he was on the ground, I pulled him to me for another hot-as-fuck kiss. I was thankful for Bob’s docile nature. He just stood there, waiting on us to remember he needed to be untacked and given some time to roam in the pasture and eat more grass.

When I pulled away, needing air, Ghost cupped my face. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Pushing me and putting up with me.”

“You put up with me too.”

He grinned. “I do. I actually like it.”

“Good, because you’re not getting rid of me.”

“Any chance we could sneak up to our room after we take care of Bob.”

I glanced at the time on my phone. “I think that could be arranged.”


I stood far enough back from the ring to keep from disturbing Ghost and Rogue. I’d told myself I should head home. Ghost might be having a riding lesson out in the open, but the interactions between them felt far too intimate to be watching.

You could see their love for each other in all their interactions. They teased each other and pushed each other’s buttons, but it was never malicious. They both needed to be challenged as much as they needed to be comforted.

What would it be like to have someone that understood me like Rogue understood Ghost?

But that was impossible. I wasn’t capable of accepting comfort like that from someone or even talking to them. I was so fucked up I could barely stand interacting with anyone for more than a few minutes. How the hell could I have a relationship with someone? I was better off on my own, wasn’t I?

Most days I thought so, but there were times when I saw Grant, Rhys, and Ghost letting themselves be loved, and I thought maybe someday I could pull myself out of the hell I was still mired in and let someone love me.
