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“Not here,” Marcy hisses. “Come on, let’s go inside.”

Without waiting for my agreement, she drags me by the hand to her apartment. Silence fills the elevator on the way to her floor.

Once we’re safely tucked inside her apartment, I round on her. “You could have told me it was Simmons, Marcy. I would have believed you.”

Marcy scoffs and skirts around me, heading for the kitchen. “It doesn’t matter. It’s over, I can’t take it back. And if I could, I would give him a pair of swollen nuts to go with his oversized ego.”

“That’s not the point. You should have told me. I could have—”

“Could have what? Called the cops? Filed a report? Made me go to the ER?” She shelves her hand on her hips. “I know you, Rob. You would have stormed over to his hotel and punched him in the face.”

“I have more restraint than that.” I huff. “Give me some credit.”

“It’s not worth getting the cops involved.” She shuffles her feet uncomfortably and grabs orange juice from the refrigerator. “Dan beat me to within an inch of my life.”

“Not worth...” I cross the space between us and grip her arms. “Look at me, Marcy.” She lifts her gaze, and I see the uncertainty swimming deep within her. “You’re worth it. I don’t care who he is, but he shouldn’t be given a pass because of his celebrity status.”

“He won’t.” Her jaw ticks. “I’ve already hired a lawyer and started the process.”

I blink at her twice. “What?”

“Liana and Donna convinced me to file charges.”

When I release her, she pours a glass of orange juice. Her voice wavers. “I spoke to the lawyer. He’s going to start the process.”

“That’s great.” Relief fills me, but the joy doesn’t quite reach her smile. “Wait, what’s the problem?”

“There aren’t any witnesses to the actual assault.” She sips the juice. “We were in a dark hallway. If there’s no witness, there’s no case. It’ll be my word against his, and his agency will pay to keep me quiet. It’ll all get swept under the rug.”

“I can serve as a witness to your state after the incident. If I file a report in the hospital system, we can use it in the case.”

“I appreciate that, but it won’t help.” She sighs. “Unless we can find someone who saw what happened in that hotel hallway, it’s a lost cause.” Her expression falters.

I gather her in my arms, and she rests her head back against my chest. “I’m sorry.”

“I haven’t given up hope completely.” Her voice rumbles through me, and the sweet scent of her shampoo teases my sense of reason. I shove aside the temptation to drag her into the bedroom and make her forget about everything except for the pure explosive pleasure I give her.

“What do you mean?”

She arches back against me, and my hands tighten around her waist. “Liana’s cousin works at the Plaza. She called and told him what happened on Saturday. He wasn’t working, but he knows who was. He’s making some inquiries among the staff to see if anyone happened to see Vic and me in the hallway.”

Hope unfurls in my chest. If they’re able to find a witness, it changes everything. I kiss her on the back of the head.

“Come on.” I nudge her toward the bedroom.

“Where are we going?” She nearly drops the glass, setting it aside in haste.

“Pack a bag. You’re staying with me until we figure this shit out.”

“Why?” She spins around and glowers at me. “I’m not fucking helpless, Rob. I don’t need a babysitter.”

“Listen—until this shit blows over, I don’t think you should be alone.”

Her exasperated look brooks no argument.

I relent. “Fine. If you don’t want to stay with me, at least stay with your brother and Kate.”

Her nose scrunches at the suggestion. “I don’t want to be in the apartment alone with those two honeymooners.”

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