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“So where are we staying then?”

“Here.” I say as I pull around the bend and drive down the beach to a row of 5 pastel coloured beach cottages.

“Oh. My. God!”

I get the key out of the key safe by the door and l have a quick check inside before I let Chloe in.

She looks around the cottage in absolute awe. I watch as the magic of the cottage takes her breath away. I smile as I remember how I felt exactly like that as a kid every time I came here. It’s not a big place, although, for the price of it, it should be. But you can’t beat the location. There’s a cosy living area with an open kitchen diner. The bathroom is on the ground floor with just a shower, toilet and sink. Upstairs there are 2 double bedrooms. At the front, a large decking area with a table, chairs and a hammock look out to sea. Me and dad spent many evenings sitting out there playing cards and talking about our day’s events.

Chloe puts the kettle on while I unload the car. “I’ve put you in the room on the right and me on the left. They’re both identical really.” Chloe gives me funny look. I don’t know whether it’s because I put us in separate rooms or if she wanted to choose herself, but I didn’t want to assume. Plus, I don’t want to make a habit of spending the night with Chloe, I can’t risk having a nightmare and hurting her. I at least need to speak to her about it first, so she knows what to expect.

We drink our tea sat out on the decking, watching the sunrise. Chloe looks relaxed and happy. I’ve always wanted to come back here with someone that meant something to me. I just wish it was under happier circumstances.

“I’m going to freshen up then can we go for a walk? I can’t wait to see more of the place.” I nod. I can’t wait to show her more.

I shower and change too, I’m feeling surprisingly awake considering I haven’t slept but that’s usual for me. I’m out on the front waiting, when Chloe joins me. She’s wearing a little sundress and her hair is down and flowing. She takes my breath away. I feel my pants growing tighter by the sight of her. I’m not sure I want her walking around looking like that, I don’t want anyone looking at what’s mine.


We walk along the beach paddling in the sea. I enjoy feeling the cold water and sand between my toes. It’s a long time since I went to the seaside.

It’s a beautiful morning. It’s July and the weather has been really good recently. I think the weather is always better on the coast. Josh tells me about how he used to surf here with his dad. I’m enjoying listening to him. He’s letting his guard down and showing me his softer side that I know is underneath. That is until we reach the village, and he turns all bodyguard mode. Honestly, it’s laughable. He’s now got his sunglasses on with his stern ‘don’t mess with me’ expression. His arm is around me holding my upper arm and he’s guiding me around people like I’m some kind of celebrity working our way through rowdy fans. “Hey, Josh?” I stop and he raises his sunglasses to look at me. “We are safe here? Right?” He looks at me and nods. “Right well, you’re drawing attention to us acting like this, so let’s just slow it down. Let me link you.” I move his arm from around me and link it with mine. “See that’s better. Much more natural, and, I’m still just as close to you.” I smile, but he just huffs and lowers his sunglasses back over his eyes. He’s a grump, but I’ll take that as a small win.

We stroll around, in and out of the little shops. One of them is an antique jewellery shop. It’s full of beautiful unique pieces. I spot a brooch identical to one my grandma used to wear. “Oh wow, Josh. My grandma used to have one just like this. My grandpa bought it for her. But it was stolen while we were on holiday once.” I smile to myself, but feel a little sad. I do miss her. I pick up the brooch and turn it around in my fingers. It’s platinum, a star or a flower I could never make my mind up which. It’s covered in diamonds and a Pearl in the middle. I put it back when I notice the price. No wonder it was stolen, they won the lottery when they took that.

I keep wandering around the shop enjoying the beauty of each piece, thinking about the people who wore them previously.

A bracelet with 3 blue diamonds catches my eye. I’ve never seen blue diamonds before. They’re deep and mesmerising, they remind me of Josh’s eyes. “Hey, what you looking at?”

“This bracelet. Blue diamonds, it’s the first time I’ve ever seen them. They remind me of your eyes.” Josh looks at me, giving me a little smirk just as one of the shop assistants joins us. “I see your admiring the blue diamonds. These are extremely rare. Especially blue of this intensity. The bracelet chain is broken unfortunately but the diamonds could be removed and made into any sort of jewellery. I can do you a good price.” I almost have a heart attack upon hearing the amount.

“I’ll get it for you if you like?”

“Don’t be ridiculous Josh. I know you’re not short of a bob or two but that’s insane.” I pull Josh out of the shop, and we continue with our walk.

There’s a bakery up ahead, the smell of freshly baked bread draws us to it. I get a couple of pastries and Josh gets an extra large barm cake filled with bacon and sausage. He devours it in minutes while window shopping. The village is so beautiful. It’s all cream stone buildings and pale pastel coloured doors. Josh is starting to relax a little. I’m really enjoying our morning together. I know we aren’t here on holiday, but I do believe everything happens for a reason. I’m meant to be here now with Josh. I know there’s some psycho after me that wants to kill me, but all the more reason to enjoy life now. ‘When your times up, your times up’.

Josh takes me to the harbour. He talks about his father and their time together. We stop at the fishing marina. There are family generations sitting together, the older ones giving the younger one’s advice on how to cast and reel it in. I catch Josh smiling at the sight obviously reliving memories. On the walk back to the cottage we pass a phone shop. “Can I just go in here Josh and get a new phone?”

“No!” I stop and look at him to get an explanation for his outburst. “You don’t need a phone. Phone calls can be traced. I’ll be with you at all times so no need to have one.”

“But what about Bella? I need to phone Bella, she will be worrying about me, wondering where we are.”

“It’s best if she doesn’t know where we are. Damien will keep her updated and let her know that you are safe.”

“And how will Damien know? Do you have a phone? Because I don’t think that’s very fair!” I put my hands on my hips. “I have ways of contacting Damien which are untraceable. Don’t give me that attitude little lady.”

“Oh yeah, what are you going do about it?” His eyebrows raise above his sunglasses. Maybe I shouldn’t have pushed him. Josh bends and throws me over his shoulder. “Put me down.” I half shout, half-laugh. He heads out of the village towards the beach and our cottage. I have a fine view of his arse in this position, so I am just enjoying the ride. I realise however that we have gone passed the row of cottages and are heading towards the sea. “Don’t you dare Josh!” I kick and wriggle, but he just tightens his grip without saying a word. Josh walks into the sea still with his shoes on. I’m then thrown into the air and land in the freezing cold sea. My head goes under the water and I’m hit with brain freeze. I frantically get up, the temperature has taken my breath away. I stumble in the waves but finally get my balance. When I wipe my I eyes I see a very smug looking Josh staring at me. “You idiot!” I shout. “Aren’t you supposed to be looking after me? Not trying to kill me!”

“You can swim, can’t you?” He shouts as he walks out of the water. I don’t think so mate. I run at him and jump on his back trying to put him down into the sea. But it’s like jumping on a brick wall. He doesn’t falter in the slightest, just pulls me off his back and throws me into the water, again. When I get up this time, I see him jogging down the beach. I set off running. He may be stronger than me, but I am definitely faster. My dress is heavy with it being wet through, so I take it off while running. I throw it at the back of his head and then run straight passed him in just my underwear.

“Hey! Get back here Clo!” Josh sounding his usual aggravated self.

After a while, I slow down to let Josh catch up with me. I’m interested in seeing what he will do to me next. With powerful strides, he approaches me. Putting his large hands on each side of my face he pulls me in for the most passionate and hungry kiss I’ve had in my life. Tingles spread throughout my body. My heart does a weird summersault type feeling that I haven’t felt before. I can’t be falling for a grumpy giant, surely not. Josh breaks our kiss. He then takes his top off revealing his large shoulders and chiselled chest. Yum. He pulls his T-shirt over my head feeding my arms through. We walk back to the cottage hand in hand not speaking a word. Anticipation of what’s to come fulfils me. We both pick up our pace the close we get to the cottage. Josh obviously feeling the same as me. As soon as the door is closed Josh has me up against it. “I told you Clo. You are mine now.” His face is pressed up against mine as he speaks. “Nobody gets to look at you like this, apart from me.” He reaches down and pulls his T-shirt over my head. Moving back slightly his deep blue eyes roam my body. He ignites a fire inside me and I’m so hungry for him. I need my mouth on him. The feeling isn’t something I’ve felt before. It’s so strong and intense. I throw my arms around him, he picks me up as if I’m light as a feather. Kicking off his wet shoes, I’m carried upstairs to my room. Placing me by the side of my bed he stands looking at me, waiting for me to make the next move. I take off my wet bra and knickers. Josh’s eyes are wide and his nostrils flare. I pull down Josh’s shorts while he watches me. I go to take him in my hand but he grabs me and spins me around, my back against his warm hard chest. With his mouth next to my ear he says “I told you to be good Clo. Don’t push me again. I don’t like getting angry with you.”

“Maybe I like you being angry with me” A quiet growl comes from Josh’s throat. His mouth is on my neck, teeth and tongue gliding across my skin sending goosebumps down my body. Reaching around me he nestles his large hand in-between my legs. Massaging and stroking, making my legs quiver in the process. Kissing my neck and biting my ear. It doesn’t take long for my body to start convulsing. When I’m almost there he stops and bends me over the bed. With my hands on the mattress holding myself up for support, he enters me with one deep thrust. I am filled with a euphoria I didn’t realise I was missing. While massaging my insides with his hardness he squeezes my breasts and kisses my back. I catch the sight of us in the dressing table mirror. We look sooooo F**king Hot!! I can’t believe it’s me I’m watching with this incredible man. Josh turns to see what I’m looking at. He too is in awe of the sight of us. He gives me a dirty smile through the mirror, and he picks up his pace, the vision of us sparing him on. We look incredible. While holding eye contact we both reach our climax. Screaming out in pleasure we both slump to the bed. There’s no going back from that magic we have just experienced together. I think Mr grump may be creeping into my heart.

Chapter 6
