Page 29 of Mister Musician

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“Chile, you know how your brothers are. I probably won’t get to actually talk to Saint until y’all leave.”

Unable to deny that, Angel chuckled. With their upbringing, the women often clung to each other while the men did their own thing. It was important to her that her husband be able to get along with the men in her family, which was another indication that she avoided that Keith wasn’t the man for her. Though he was cool with her brothers, he never put forth much effort to have his own relationship with them. Keith would chill with them on holidays or when they came over to Harmony’s home, but outside of that, they never spoke.

After handing them all their beers, she sat on Saint’s lap and accepted the blunt he offered. As she took a few puffs, he said, “I didn’t think you smoked.”

“Don’t let the sweet, sophisticated act fool you,” TJ said with a teasing grin. “Baby sis is a wild child.”

“Straight weed head,” Marcus added.

“And she fights a lot too,” Angel said.

“Wow, y’all are such liars,” Harmony denied as her siblings laughed. “I’m the good one out of all four of us. I don’t know why they’re lying on me like that.”

Saint chuckled. “I’m sure it’s a mix of what all of y’all are saying.” He gripped her hip, licking his lips as he eyed her face intently. “I like that, though.”

As they all listened to music, played cards and dominoes, and conversed, Harmony had a better time than she anticipated. Once the weed started to kick in, they went upstairs to her bonus room. Every sibling had specific things for the rest of the family to enjoy in their homes. Harmony requested they have books and cards for her, and her brothers asked for a pool table. Angel wanted a gaming station.

“I admire how close you and your siblings are,” Saint said, making himself comfortable on the cream sofa while TJ and Marcus racked up. Angel had made herself comfortable on the bean bag in the corner, and there was no doubt in Harmony’s mind that she would be snoring soon.

“They are my best friends. Do you have any siblings?”

“Yeah, one. We’re close too. I’m surprised she hasn’t called and tried to track me down yet.”

Harmony chuckled as she made herself a bit more comfortable next to him.

“I got the winner,” Saint announced, to which her brothers agreed.

“Get ready then. It ain’t gon’ take me long to whup this mane ass,” Marcus said, causing TJ to suck his teeth.

“Gone on with all that talking, bruh. You know how I’m coming.”

Harmony chuckled at their exchange as she flipped through the channels on her Roku TV. Though music still played, she always liked to have a movie going in the background.

“Are you having a decent time?” Harmony checked, resting her hand on his thigh. “I’m sure you have more exciting things you could be getting into.”

“I’m having a great time. This is how I typically spend the weekend when I’m home and with the crew. Your people are cool as hell, and of course I love being here with you.”

Unable to resist, Harmony placed a kiss on the corner of his mouth.

“They won’t admit it, but having you here is the highlight of their year. They love your music, and Marcus goes to every concert you have here or in Nashville.”

“That’s love. I appreciate that, for real. And I also appreciate the fact that y’all treat me like I’m normal. I got enough people tryna kiss my ass on a daily. This kind of environment is what I thrive in, you feel me?”

Harmony nodded as he took her hand into his and lifted it to his lips.

“Is that what you like in your relationships too?”

“Fa sho. I separate women who are with me for me versus women who are with me because of who I am or what I have. I’m most attracted to women who treat me like a man, not a celebrity or walking dick with a bank.”

Harmony laughed. “I feel you. I’ve never been like that when it comes to celebrities. I respect and appreciate the art you all give to the world, but you’re a human being at the end of the day and you deserve to be treated like one. When people get too caught up in the hype of celebrity and putting people on pedestals, that’s when we become desensitized to their humanness and idolize them or have unrealistic expectations.”

To her surprise, Saint gently gripped her chin and used it to pull her close. Connecting their lips, his hand slithered around the back of her neck as he kissed her. Harmony smiled, gripping his white T-shirt.

“Stop smilin’ and kiss me,” he commanded, but that turned her smile into a giggle.

“I’m trying, but I’m happy and you caught me off guard.”

Lips locked, eyes connected, Saint decided, “Then I guess I’ll have to work around it to get my kiss.”
