Page 23 of King of Wrath

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“You’re a crazy motherfucker,” Demarco snarled. He was just digging himself a deep hole.

“I might be, but that doesn’t really matter. You’re required to follow orders, not running off at the mouth.” The fact he’d expressed any discord at the change in leadership was reason enough to put a bullet in his brain. Talking smack inside Club Rio was more egregious, but if what I’d heard about him was true in that he’d offered the Morellis information, his punishment should fit the crime.

When I pulled out the knife, it became apparent what I had planned, Demarco bucking even harder.

“You sick son of a bitch. Don’t you dare try shit with me.”

“Don’t dare try it?” I repeated. “I think you have a confused impression of who works for whom. I suggest we get that misunderstanding corrected right now. Keep his fingers spread for me.” I waited, neither soldier hesitating before using enough pressure on his hand that Demarco couldn’t move it.

“Fuckin’ let me go.” Demarco’s cries would go unheeded. I’d always found it interesting that the largest, most brutal men crumbled first. “You touch me and you die.”

He had no idea how threatening me ignited a fire. “I’m not going to do a single thing to you, Demarco. In fact, I won’t need to.” I moved toward Dillon, handing him the knife. While his eyes opened wide, I sensed he registered I was testing his loyalty. The two men were friends, drinking buddies. If he passed the test, I’d allow both men to live, Demarco only maimed for his insulting behavior. But from here on out, I’d watch Demarco like a hawk. I needed to know how deep the infiltration had gotten before I decided how to handle the Morettis.

If Dillon failed, then the two soldiers would need more time to clean up the mess.

I lifted my eyebrow, allowing a smirk to cross my face. “When you’re finished, make certain the room is spotless.” As soon as Dillon accepted the blade, I turned around to walk out.

“Wait.” Dillon moved in front of me. “How many?”

“I’ll leave that up to you.” When he seemed confused, I patted him on the shoulder. “I’ll let you make the decision just how horrific and damning you believe his actions have been.” After squeezing his arm, I walked out.

I knew the man would make the right choice.

* * *


Be prepared, my little slut. Tonight I’ll claim your ass.

I hadn’t been able to get the filthy words out of my mind all day. They’d been crass in comparison to the way he’d spoken to me earlier, but just thinking them kept me aroused. I had to be a sick girl to want more. Claim my ass? It had never happened.

And it never would.

I had scruples after all.

“Are you serious?” my sister asked.

And how in the hell had I become turned on by a mysterious man calling me his slut?

Because you’ve never had a man excite you this way.

Shut up, little voice. I could figure this out for myself.

“I know, crazy, right?” I asked as I tossed the dress on the bed, Shadow immediately jumping on the comforter, his furry butt wiggling as he crawled on top. I gave him a frown, which only caused him to roll over on his back, waiting for me to scratch his tummy. I’d always told my friends, once you have a dog, expect fur everywhere. If they didn’t like it, they weren’t invited into my home.

Now I tried my best to shoo him off, yanking the hanger into my hand and placing it over the door to my bedroom. Goldie had waddled in, staring up at me with her usual imploring eyes. She hated when Mommy Dog had to go out, even though she was used to my strange work routine.

Carrie exhaled. “I’m really glad you’re doing this. What time is he picking you up?”

“Seven. Sharp. So he said.”

“A meticulous man.”

“Very.” I shuddered as I thought about him, still tingling from our intense round of passion. I was crazy for accepting his invitation, especially since I still didn’t know his name. I hadn’t thought to ask him given everything had happened so fast, the surprise of him following me overpowered by his oppressive actions and the attraction I’d felt from the moment I’d laid eyes on him.

I’d heard about this kind of thing happening to survivors before of course, but not to this degree. Or maybe I was making too much out of it. At this point it didn’t matter.

But it should. Who was he?

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