Page 29 of Bartholomew

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“I have no issue with that.”

Her eyes looked disappointed, like she’d hoped that would be enough to deter me. “My last serious relationship was seven years ago.”

Quite the coincidence. “That’s a long time to be single.”

“I’ve become disillusioned by love…”

“Did he cheat?” I knew that wasn’t it, because what kind of man would fuck around on a woman like this?

“No.” She didn’t supply an answer, so I knew I wouldn’t get one.

“How long was the relationship?”

“Two years.”

“I’m happy with this arrangement, but you shouldn’t let an asshole from seven years ago sabotage your love life.”

She gave a small smile and took a drink.

Now I’d give anything to know what happened. “I could kill him for you—if you want.”

She took her drink and set the glass aside. “My ex-husband isn’t worth our time.”

There was a sudden tightness in my core. It gripped me right in the center of my chest so it was hard to breathe. I kept a stoic expression, but inside, I was struggling with the surprise. “You’re divorced.”

“Happily divorced.” She finished her glass of wine then licked her lips.

“That’s awfully young to be married.” She would have had to have been in her very early twenties.

“You can thank my father for that.”

An arranged marriage.

It was like she could see my thoughts right on my face. “Told you he was an asshole.”



I didn’t hear from Bartholomew for days.

We never had back-to-back nights. He left me so sore that an instant replay would probably just hurt. We both filled up our tanks until they were topped off, and then we lived our lives until we started to approach empty.

But as time went on, I drained to empty quicker and quicker. I needed that hit sooner. Needed that man’s sweat on my skin, needed the high that only he could give. When the craving became too deep, I sent him a text.Have plans tonight?

His message was instantaneous.Depends on if you’re free.

I am.

Then I have no plans.

Every time I read his messages, I heard his voice in my head. That made me want him more. His confidence. His no-bullshit, no-nonsense attitude. He was the kind of man I liked, with simple desires and straightforward words.

I’ll swing by your apartment.

My desire suddenly disappeared.I don’t ever want you here. Made that clear.

Now his message wasn’t instantaneous. Took him a while to respond. I don’t like it when you head home alone in the middle of the night.
