Page 14 of Fated

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“It’s got to be a spelled item,” Kiran says looking to Nic.

He sighs and I feel bad. He’s been pushing himself all week to make these illusion charms and I know he’s tired. I wish there was some way I could help. I have to at least try.

“Nic, is there any way I can help you?” I ask, moving to stand next to him, wrapping my arms around his body and try to send him strength.

“Whoa! What did you just do?” He asks, looking down at me in awe.

“Uh, hug you?” I answer not sure why he’s forgotten what a hug was. Is he okay?

“No, not that. You sent me power. This is amazing!” He sounds so excited.

I glance over at the rest of the guys, expecting them to be just as confused as me, but they look excited too.

“What do you mean I sent you power?” I ask and I feel a little excitement too. This could solve a lot of problems for us, and I was just wishing I could help Nic, now I can.

“Well, when mages mate, they can power share, aka get more power from their mates. I thought it only worked between mates who were both mages because that’s all I’ve ever seen. But you just sent me power so it must work between all types of mates. Damn, so much information has been lost to us because there’s only inter-species mating.”

“Amazing! How do I do it again?” I ask, excited to help him.

“This doesn’t hurt Aly at all right?” Jeremy breaks in and asks.

Nic scoffs at Jeremy like he’s stupid. “Do you really think I would let her if it did?”

Of course my hackles go up at that. “Hey! You don’tletme do anything.”

Nic breaks his stare off with Jeremy and turns to me with soft eyes. “You’re right, I meant I wouldn’t ask you to if it would.”

I nod in approval.

“It does drain your power reserves though. You’re basically sending me your power, so I can use it as a mage instead of you as a hunter.” Nic genuinely smiles, so hopeful that this will work.

“If we could figure out how Aly replenished her power before, we could help her do it again,” Jax points out.

I have no idea how that worked last time.

“We could ask my parents when we go to see them, maybe they know.”

“And we could read the book we got from Ryan for the answer,” Kiran adds and his voice trails off, I bet he’s realizing what I am.

I forgot about the damn book that we risked our lives to get. We’ve been so caught up in everything with Anna that we haven’t even opened it. I peer up and all the guys have annoyed expressions on their faces, like somehow they forgot about it too.

“We need to read that damn book,” I say and everyone agrees.

“So Nic and Aly will work on a charm for her parents and the rest of us will examine the book,” Jax suggests.

Jay, Jeremy and Kiran share a look like they know Jax is going to be doing this, but they agree anyway. They can still help him figure things out or discuss what they read.

“Okay, let’s do it,” I say and grab Nic’s hand.

He drags me into the other room and shuts the door behind us.

“Okay, first I need to find a spell for this and decide on an object to charm,” he tells me.

“Something small would be ideal, we don’t want the hunter to think they’re being influenced. Something they would normally have on them,” I say.

“I agree, any ideas?”

“Can the items be different for each?” I ask. I still don’t know much about how Nic’s magic works but I’ll leave it to him. He can answer my questions when I have them. I have enough to learn about my own magic.

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