Page 15 of Fated

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“They can be different,” he answers.

“My mom’s charm could be earrings,” I say taking off the pair in my ears and setting them in the table.

“That’s a good idea. These don’t mean anything special to you, do they?” He asks and it’s sweet of him to check.

“No they don’t. Do you have any ideas for my dad? I’m not sure what men wear or have on them.”

He thinks about it for a minute before saying, “how about a bracelet but instead of on his wrist, we have him put it on his leg so it’s hidden under his pants?”

“That’s a fantastic idea Nic, I don’t have any bracelets but I do have hair ties. Those should be big enough to go around his ankle.” I run over to my duffle bag and pull out a pack of hair ties. I bring one back to Nic and place it on the table next to the earrings.

He’s looking through a spell book and stops on an intention spell.

“This spell allows me to know if someone intends to follow through on what they say. As soon as their intention changes, I’ll know.”

“Perfect Nic, can you also add a spell, so they can’t take the items off? So only you can?” I ask.

He snaps his fingers. “That’s a great idea, I know there’s something for that in here too. We’ll do it next.”

“Perfect!” I give him a huge smile. He’s one of the greatest mates ever. I am so lucky.

“Listen, this will take a lot of magic to do. It’s a powerful spell, you have to stop before you’re completely drained, okay? I don’t want you defenseless.”

“I will, but I wouldn’t be defenseless. My biggest asset isn’t my magic, it’s my combat abilities.” I defend.

“Yes it is, but when your magic is depleted, you’ll feel drained all around. You’ll be exhausted,” he explains.

Oh. I think back on any time I’ve drained my magic, and he’s right, I was exhausted.

“Okay, I’ll stop.”

“Great, try to send me magic again like you did before.”

I step up next to him and place my hands on him. I think about sending him strength like I did before, how worried I am about him and that I don’t want him to be fatigued, how much I care about him.

It starts as a small tingle and turns into so much more as I push more energy. I can feel it traveling from me to Nic and how much is leaving my store. So far it’s not too much but I can see how it could get depleted quickly.

Nic starts chanting and making motions with his hands that I don’t understand. I can see the magic moving between them, the same colors as my mark from him, purples and blues. It’s beautiful to watch, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of seeing him do magic.

I can feel his energy getting lower the longer the spell goes on, feel his exhaustion through our mating bond. So I send more power through to him. His exhaustion eases but mine increases. I’m close to having to pull back but I don’t want this spell to fail.

Jeremy busts in the room, pricks his finger and offers his blood to Nic. It’s enough for him to finish the spell and I stop feeding him energy.

Jeremy wraps his arms around me as we watch Nic’s magic settle into the items. I know using his blood drains Jeremy’s magic but I’m so glad he joined us to help. I’m not sure we would have been able to do it on our own. It’s an incredibly difficult spell.

“Thank you,” I whisper, kissing Jeremy under his chin.

“Anything for you,” he responds and I can feel a small blush form on my cheeks.

“Did it work?” I ask Nic.

“Only one way to find out,” he says picking up the hair tie and passing it to Jeremy.

Jeremy slips it on his wrist, trusting Nic implicitly and my heart warms.

“Do you promise to never steal my food?” Nic asks and I can’t help but burst out laughing.

Apparently, Jeremy is a food thief. He was always stealing food in their house when they lived together. I would never have guessed it.
