Page 23 of Fated

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In the next instant we are being transported back to their safe house, landing safely in the backyard.

I glance around our group to make sure we have everyone, then observe the parents to see why it was so urgent. They appear completely fine but that doesn’t mean anything.

“What happened?” Aly asks. I can feel her anxiety down the bond.

“First thing first,” her mom says pulling something out of her pocket. She passes it to Aly and I lean over to see what it is, praying it’s the amulet.

It’s an antique, with its long gold chain and red gem on the end.

“Is this it?” Aly asks.

Her mom nods and hope blooms in our chests. We got it.

“Why were you in a rush?” Jeremy asks, forever skeptical.

She sighs. “He was suspicious of us, he followed us out, so we went another direction then transported to you all. We were worried he would be outside searching the grounds for anything suspicious, so we had to go. But I don’t think we will have any problem going forward.”

That’s a damn good reason and even Jeremy has to admit that. He just nods in response.

Aly’s parents separate from us, sitting down at the kitchen table.

Aly passed the amulet to Nic who puts it in his pocket.

“We should get back and try this on Anna,” Nic says but it’s followed by an awkward silence.

What do we do? Are the parents trustworthy enough for us to leave here or do we need to lock them back up? Would they go back to Nic’s family estate or fight us? We didn’t exactly plan this part out ahead of time.

I think they’ve shown their loyalty and deserve more freedom but it’s not my choice to make.

All eyes turn to Aly.

What do we do?She asks through the bond.

Her parents politely turn away, giving us the illusion of privacy to work this out.

We take them back.Jeremy demands.

I almost roll my eyes at how predictable he is. We all know this is up to Aly, he can’t bully her into what he wants.

Or we leave them here with the charms on.Jax says.

I’m shocked he contradicted Jeremy but more than anything, Jax wants what’s best for Aly.

Aly turns back to her parents, clearing her throat to get their attention.

“Are you planning on rejoining the hunters?” She asks.

Her parents look rightly affronted by the question and answer, “no! They tried to kill you, our daughter. Never.”

True. Nic says, squeezing Aly’s hand.

“Will you stay here unless we talk about it?” Aly asks.

“Yes,” they respond together.

Nic squeezes her hand again.

“Okay, then you can stay here. You’re earning back my trust and it’s not a chance that will be given again, so please don’t mess this up.”
