Page 24 of Fated

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They look ecstatic and I feel like Aly has done the right thing. I just hope it doesn’t come back to bite us in the ass.

“There’s one more thing,” Aly says and now she seems nervous, almost vulnerable.

“What is it?” Her mom asks.

Her mom tends to take the lead over her mate in ever conversation, this one is no exception.

“I’ve got a handle on my transportation but I’m not sure what other magic I should be expecting or working on, if any. I think I had an experience in dream sharing, though.”

Her mom nods like she understands. “We didn’t train you in the magic since you didn’t have any. It’s something we would have gotten to after you triggered the gene if it had all gone normally.

“For hunters magic is passed down from the mother, so you should have the same skills I do as well as the joint hunter gifts. All hunters can transport, have enhanced strength and speed as well as a general disposition towards advanced fighting techniques. They come easier to us, we were made to fight like mages were made to wield magic.

“I have the ability to control someone’s actions through mind control, it’s very rare so it’s our only gift. This includes dreams. Only a few others in our species have the skill, including one of our elders. Unfortunately, it’s not something that’s easy to learn. I could always work with you on it.”

That was a lot of information. Most of it I knew, meaning Aly knew it too but I didn’t realize their gifts were passed down maternally. That means Aly should be able to control people’s actions, she just needs to learn how. Jax and I haven’t been able to make much progress helping her.

“What can you tell me now that might help me? If I need to, I’ll come back for more help.” I think she’s ready to get back to Anna but can’t let this opportunity pass her by.

“It doesn’t sound great but you have to invade the person’s mind. Work on sending your magic to their brain then send the action. If you focus too hard on what you want them to do, it won’t work.”

Aly nods then turns to us. “Ready?”

We all head outside to the backyard and behind some trees for Aly to transport us out.



We land back at the cottage with the amulet in hand. I’ve never felt such relief but I’m also incredibly nervous. What if it doesn’t work? What if Anna still tries to kill me? That’s actually a good point.

I put my hands out and catch Nic and Jay who are next to me. “Wait.”

They all turn to stare at me, clearly confused.

“What’s wrong Aly?” Kiran asks.

“I want you guys to make me a promise.” When no one immediately objects, I continue, “if this doesn’t work and Anna attacks me again, you can’t kill her. Put her back to sleep.”

“Of course we won’t kill her, Aly Kat!” Jay exclaims, sounding shocked I even had to ask.

But he’s not who I’m worried about. I turn to stare at Nic and Jeremy, both of which have hard expressions. I raise my eyebrows.

“If she’s a risk to you, I can’t promise that. I’ll protect my mate above all else!” Jeremy declares.

Nic doesn’t say anything but his eyes say it all. He agrees.

“She’s not a threat. I’ll be more prepared this time, all of us will,” I say.

“I’ll protect her unless it’s a last resort. If you’re going to die, you have to let me save you,” Nic says, eyes pleading.

When I glance behind me, I know Jay, Kiran and Jax have switched sides. If it comes down to it, they’ll choose me. But I know they’ll try their best to save Anna too.

“I love her,” I say, meeting each of their eyes, so I’m sure they know how important she is to me.

“It’s a moot point anyways. This is going to work,” Jax says, sounding confident and I relax some.

“Then let’s do this,” I say, leading the way inside.
