Page 43 of Fated

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We’ve been trying to act normal but as the time ticks down to our meeting with the elders, we all get more nervous.

It’s just so full of unknowns. Will they believe us? Could they do something crazy, like separate us? Are we in danger by revealing ourselves? If the council believes us, could word of our mating get out and even more psychotic people come after us?

Those questions keep running through my head until I’m practically attached to the guys. It’s easy to do because they’re all nervous and seeking comfort too.

We are all puppy piled in the giant bed in the master bedroom and it’s the morning of our meeting. I don’t think anyone wants to get out of bed and face today.

I try to close my eyes and fall back asleep when Nic sighs. “We need to get ready. Shower with me?”

I nod, and he grabs me out of the bed, carrying me to the bathroom. He sets me on the counter while starting the water, giving me soft kisses and words of praise. I soak it all up, knowing this is his way of taking care of me. I feel loved and I need that right now.

Jeremy comes and joins us in the stall. I’m assuming the other three have gone to get ready in their own bathrooms. I’m sandwiched between them as they wash my hair and soap my body. They spend forever getting me clean.

I have a feeling they are trying to prolong the shower but eventually we have to get out.

It’s time.

* * *

I transport us as close to the council chambers as I can, but they have a huge barrier around it to protect them. They want to be sure they can see a threat coming.

Nic showed me a picture of where we should transport, courtesy of his dad with the same power. Apparently, his family is a big deal in the mage community and have spent a lot of time here. I’ll need to question him about it extensively but now isn’t the time. That’s probably why he decided to drop the information.

I’m nervous as hell. I grab hold of the two hands next to me which happen to be Jay and Jeremy. They let me, even though I’m holding on way too tight for comfort.

“It’s going to be okay Aly Kat,” Jay whispers.

I just nod because I don’t trust myself to speak.

Nic leads the way as we head towards the huge building up ahead. It’s in an isolated part of Oregon, away from humans but it still seems like a normal building. Very inconspicuous except for it’s size. It seems like everything in the supernatural world is hidden in plain sight.

“Just remember the plan. We’ve got this,” Nic says as we make it to the door.

I can feel nervous energy down the bond from all my mates but more than that, I can tell Nic is full of confidence. I grab hold of that with both hands and pretend it’s my own feelings.

Nic knocks three times on the door with a colonial knocker. After a brief second, the door opens on its own, letting us in.

I squeeze Jer and Jay’s hands harder as we step into the building. The place is decked out and clearly full of money. It’s like a palace in here, it’s completely unnecessary. I’m glad I wore a dress and heels.

We follow a long hallway down to the chambers and stand before another door. Before we can even knock on this one, it’s opening to reveal what looks like a council chambers.

There are five people seated at an elevated table that curves around the room. They’re spaced evenly apart and are incredibly intimidating from down here.

It’s made up of three men and two women, at least it’s not a sexist council. Although, how they’re treated remains to be seen.

“Hello, please come in,” one of the female voices says.

We make our way inside and I find myself standing next to Nic as the rest of the guys fan out around us. It’s subtlety protective but I doubt this council misses much.

“I am Eve, the elder for shifters. You have requested an audience with us on the subject of mates, is that correct?” The same woman asks.

She seems kind. Not the harsh voice I expect, but like a grandmother. This is Jay’s elder.

“Yes, we have some information we think is important. We hope you will listen to what we know,” Nic says confidently.
