Page 44 of Fated

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“Ah, you are Nicoli, the mage. Your parents got this meeting,” a male voice says.

“Yes elder.”

“Please introduce the rest of you,” the same man says.

“This is Kiran, a dark fae, Jeremy a demon, Jay a shifter, Ajax a light fae and our mate Aly,” Nic says.

I notice he leaves off that I am a hunter. We all agreed it was best to tread lightly. To them, I am the enemy.

“You all share a mate?” Another man speaks up and he sounds disgusted. Not a good sign.

I can feel Kiran stiffen behind me and I can guess this is the dark fae elder.

“Calm now Joka, let us introduce ourselves then we can hear them out. Considering they are here to talk about mating, I have a feeling this will all be explained if we give them time,” Eve says.

I like her, a lot. I am already incredibly grateful for her.

“I am Joka, the dark fae elder,” he says, confirming my suspicion.

The other female speaks next, “I am Kia, the light fae elder.”

I have a feeling they know the guys know this and the introductions are more for my sake. They don’t recognize or know me like they might the guys. I have no idea how big or small their communities are.

A man in all black speaks next, “I am Roner, the demon elder.”

The man who said he knew Nic speaks next and I know he’s the mage elder. “That makes me the mage elder, Monit.”

“Thank you,” Nic says.

“Why don’t you tell us why you’re here,” Eve speaks again.

“Right. The five of us, we are fated mates with Aly,” Nic says.

He’s cut off immediately.

“That’s impossible!” The dark fae elder says.

“Preposterous!” The mage elder adds.

“Calm yourselves, let’s hear them out,” the demon elder commands.

At least he wants to hear what we have to say. I know from our preparations that these elders are all considered equals, so we just need three out of five to believe us. Which is good, because I have a feeling no matter what we say, the dark fae elder won’t believe us. He clearly doesn’t want to.

“We all felt the mating pull toward her and our bonds have fully formed. We didn’t understand it ourselves, so we’ve been working to uncover how this happened. We’ve found a four thousand year old book that explains this was common place then. We believe a spell has been cast to remove this knowledge from history. This book was protected by a vampire.” Nic sounds so sure of himself, I’m so proud. He’s doing an incredible job.

“Why would someone do that? It would take incredible power for it to be done,” the light fae elder asks.

“This is going to be the most shocking part. Please, keep open minds as this could determine the fate of our species finding mates in the future.”

“Out with it!” Joka demands.

“The bonds include hunters.” Cue the gasps but Nic forges on, “we didn’t know it when we met her, she didn’t even know it because she hadn’t triggered the gene but Aly is a hunter.”

They all zero in on me and I feel the guys tense. They don’t like that I’ve been outed as an enemy behind lines. This was our most debated moment, to reveal what I am or not. But in the end we realized it wouldn’t all make sense without the missing piece, me.

“You want us to believe that thousands of years ago, hunters mated with other supernaturals? That all the races mixed with their fated bonds?” Joka sounds disgusted.

“Yes, because it’s true. Please, look at this book,” Nic says.

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