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I follow the others, tucking it into my back pocket.

We don’t immediately head back into the woods, assuming they’re watching us. We will have to take the long way around the woods back to our car.



I’m surrounded by empty darkness. None of my senses are working; it’s like I’m in a deep, eerie void.

I’m almost floating in this nothingness. My body is weightless. I feel nothing when I try to lift my hand to my face.

Logically, I know I should be panicking. This isn’t normal. It isn’t right. But I can’t. I’m eternally calm, at peace.

A cord connected to my chest sharply tugs me out of the nothingness and deep into a vat of sensations. It’s like being attacked with stimulation.

Voices screaming make my ears ring. My mouth tastes like the driest chalk, as if all the moisture has been sucked out of my tongue. There’s the most delicious scent in the air. It steals all my focus.

Immediately, I know what I’m meant to do. My victim is right there. I zero in on my one goal.

My eyes flash open, letting in blinding light, but I don’t let that slow me down. My target is above me, waiting for me to strike.

I must attack. Kill. It’s what I’m meant to do. He told me to do it.

I do. I lunge up, latching onto her neck and tearing flesh.

Her blood tastes like sunshine and power as it flows into my mouth, finally moistening my tongue. I can never get enough. It’s too good. I latch my fangs into her pulse and flip on top of her. Using my weight to immobilize her further.

Hands grip me, ripping me away from my target and across the room. I can see her lying there, dying like she’s meant to.

I need to ensure the job is finished. I have to.

I try to get away, but more hands hold me in place. I try to pull away, not caring that my arm is bending at the wrong angle. All I know is she needs to die.

“She’s hurting herself to get over there!” A voice nearby shouts, but I’m too far gone to recognize it.

I need to hunt, maim, kill.

Something shifts and I’m surrounded by darkness again.

I jolt out of bed, sweat pouring down my back and gasping for air. My hand immediately flies up to my neck, feeling the texture of the necklace. It soothes me.

I have the necklace. I’m in control. Aly is alive. I won’t hurt her like that ever again.

The memory of trying to kill my best friend haunts me. It never lets me forget how close I came to killing the person who means the most to me.

Tears slide down my cheeks as guilt eats me alive.

I have the necklace. I’m in control. Aly is alive. I won’t hurt her like that ever again.

I take a deep breath. Then another until, finally, I feel like I’m okay. I can handle this.

There’s no way I’m going back to bed after that, so I get up and dress in workout clothes. I need to release my monsters and get some endorphins running through my system.

I head to the gym in my building. It’s nothing special but an open space to practice my self-defense. I’ve been training with Jeremy since I became a vampire. I’ve learned a lot, but I know there’s always room for improvement. I never want to be caught off guard again. I need to feel in control of my own body.

I can’t hit anything here since my vampire strength would break it, but I can go through the movements.

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