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Anna glances down at me, hesitating for a second before moving closer to Felix.

“Put your hand on his chest,” Felix instructs and Anna complies.

Then they’re kissing over me. Slow at first and full of hesitation. There’s barely anything to feed on, but slowly they work up to it.

He pulls her into his lap, somehow maintaining contact with my body and grinding her against him in slow movements back and forth. She pulls away from him, breathless.

“Isn’t this a little far?” She whispers.

Felix shakes his head. “An orgasm has the most potent energy. Just relax, and let me give you one.”

Slowly she nods, leaning back in to kiss him.

I close my eyes, just listening to the sounds they’re making. I’m a mix of self-hatred, jealousy, and arousal. But I need this, and they’re doing it to help me, so I just try to absorb as much as I can.

Her moans fill the air, a perfect symphony of torture. Finally, I feel like I can move some, but it’s still not enough.

Anna screams out, and a wave of energy slams into me. I feel it filling my empty reserves. It’s not nearly full, but it’s enough to act like I’m okay.

They’re panting as I slowly sit up. Both of them break their intense eye contact at the same time to stare at me.

Anna gasps, hopping off Felix’s lap and wrapping her arms around me. I don’t deserve her forgiveness just because I nearly died, but I won’t be telling her that.

Slowly, I bring my arms up, too, holding her tight.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were coming to me because you needed help. You can come feed from me anytime you need it. Just tell me that’s what’s going on.”

My gut pinches. Now she thinks she’s a meal for me? I’m about to tell her no when I realize, maybe this is my chance. I’ll get her addicted to my body, show her only I can make her feel incredible, and she’ll accept me as her mate. It’s not how I want things, but it’s what I deserve. I can give her that and secure a place in her life.

She squeezes me tight before untangling herself from my body. I give her a tight smile as she leaves the room, Felix following her and giving me a minute to myself.

Twenty Seven


I was so excited that Griffyn had come to see me. That he was making a move. The sexy incubus had been flirting with me on and off since I met him but never acted on it. He still kept his distance until then.

I was fucking devastated when I realized he was only coming to me to feed. That he saw me that way.

I felt really guilty when I realized how badly he needed to feed. But a little communication would have gone a long way at that moment.

Now, I’m over it. I’m not holding a candle that Griffyn will like me. But I did offer to help him feed if he wanted. Probably a mistake, but I couldn’t help it after everything that had just happened.

It was a silly fantasy anyways. The idea that Griffyn would want me like Felix clearly does. I mean, Felix is my mate. I’m shocked he’s not putting a stop to Griffyn approaching me, but maybe that’s how the whole multiple mates thing works?

Maybe Aly’s guys were different since they all knew they were her fated mate. They didn’t need to make room for anyone else.

Is that what Felix thinks? That I’ll pick more mates than just him? I’m not sure I’m built to have a harem like Aly. It seems to be a lot of work. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I think there’s a reward, too, but I’m not sure that’s for me.

I haven’t committed to Felix in any way, so it’s not something I need to be worrying about right now. Instead, I should be focused on who my apparent stalker is and why they want me, but I think I’ll avoid that a little longer too.

I have a shift at the bar in an hour, so I start getting ready. I don’t know who is coming with me. Felix, Griffyn, and Blaze have been rotating who comes. Aksel has never volunteered. Maybe it’s beneath him to participate in menial labor that way.

When I go downstairs, dressed in jean shorts, a black top, and my hair pulled back, I see Felix and Griffyn waiting for me.

I haven’t seen Griffyn since the incident, but I pretend like it isn’t weird between us. I offered to help him when he is hungry, and that’s all there is to it. It’s what any good person would do.

“Are you two coming with me?” I ask.
