Page 29 of Pieces Of You

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I finally find my voice. “Sheis standing right here.” That shuts them both up, and it gives me the quiet I need to figure out that Dean had paired me with Holden onpurposebecause he didn’t want me with anyone else. But Holden? Granted, they’re friends, and even though I’m new to the school, it didn’t take me long to work out Holden’s reputation when it comes to girls—and Deanwantedme with him because…

Because he was so positive Holden wouldn’t want me.

Just like he didn’t want me.

I face Holden. “I’ll be fine,” I tell him, trying to keep my voice steady. The last thing I want is for him to ruin his friendship with Dean over something as insignificant as me. And I can handle Dean. I’ve handled much, much worse.

“Are you sure?” Holden asks.

And Dean murmurs, “Jesus Christ.”

I nod, keeping my gaze on Holden, who sighs as he removes his gloves. “Let’s go clean up.”

“Her time’s not up,” Dean interjects.

Holdengrowls.“I’m not having her out here working alone—or withyou.She doesn’t know what tools to use orhowto use them.”

That’s… kind of true. I’ve shown that I’m a fast learner, but I still need his guidance. I don’t think I realized until right this moment how much attention Holden’s paid to the details of our interactions.

“Come on,” he says, tugging on my sleeve and practically dragging me toward the house, leaving Dean behind. We make it to the laundry room, where he shuts the door after us and turns on the faucet, filling the room with the sound of water hitting cast iron.

Without a word, Holden takes one of my hands in both of his and slowly removes my gloves. It’s such a contrast to the first time he put them on me. Back then, he’d been rough, annoyed with my stubbornness to accept his help, and now—now his touch is gentle, intimate almost. His demeanor, however, is the opposite. I glance up at him through my lashes, notice the tightness in his jaw, the straight line formed on his lips, and the angry slashes marring his brow. He’s so close; I can feel his body heat radiating from him, the warmth of it floating across my flesh, making my heart pound to an irregular beat.

“You don’t have to go with him,” he says, his voice low as his eyes meet mine.

“I don’t mind.”

Shaking his head, he takes a tiny step back. “And I don’t mind fighting your battles for you, but—”

“Is that what you’re doing?”

“I don’t know what I’m doing,” he says with a sigh, and I can feel his anger through his inflection. “But your reaction to him was fuckingvisceral, Jamie, and I don’t like the fact that you’re about to be trapped in his car with no way out.” He digs into his pocket and pulls out his phone, tapping it a few times before handing it to me. “Put your number in there.” It’s an order, and I comply, then hand it back to him.

“I’m going to text you, so you have mine, and if at any stage you feel even the slightest bit uncomfortable, I want you to call me. I’ll drop whatever—”

I kiss him.

On my toes, hands flat on his stomach…

My mouth is on his…

And I’m kissing him.

And then I’m not.

“I’m sorry,” I rush out, shoving him out of the way to get to the sink. I scrub my hands, my mind, myheartclean of all the tarnished pieces of me. I shouldn’t have let my emotions drive me, but he was standing there, only inches away, and he wasprotectingme. And while I’d spent my entire life being protected, it was alwaysduringthe vicious storm. Never before and never after.

“Jamie,” he says, and I don’t look up.

“I’m sorry,” I repeat.

“Jamie,” he says again, reaching around me to switch off the water. I stare at my hands and nowhere else.

Large fingers curl around my waist, and he turns me to him.

I shut my eyes tight, too afraid to see his face.

Even when he’s the one kissing me.
