Page 115 of Resolve

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He laughed. “Tell me: Has any man, outside of me, given you multiple orgasms?” Gavin pulled into the drive of the cottage she shared with Ruby. He undid his seatbelt and turned to her. “When emotion is involved, the sensations are heightened. It was more than sex. We get along, like each other, and are sexually compatible.”

Her cheeks bloomed red.

“I gave you space and time; I won’t do it again.”

Her mouth opened, but all she did was shake her head.

“Seven at Giovanni’s. We’ll have a nice dinner and go back to my place, so pack a bag.” He placed his palm on her cheek, and her gaze locked with his.

“And if I don’t?” Her voice was soft.

“I’ll spank your ass until you can’t sit.”

She swallowed and released her seatbelt. “Later.” Amber slipped out of his vehicle, jogged to the front door, and disappeared inside. He’d let her hide for now. But tonight they were going to talk. He wanted to get to the bottom of her reluctance to be with him. It was more than his previous serial dating. What was he missing? What had her ex done or said to her? Whatever it was made her overly cautious with him. He wanted her to be happy, and if she told him tonight she was happier without him, he’d respect her wishes. It might kill him, but he’d do it. He wanted to show her she mattered.


Amber rubbed her forehead,thankful that was her last consultation. She’d been barely able to focus today. It was all Gavin’s fault. The click of high-heeled shoes reached her ears. Her sister marched into the room.

“I thought you were taking the afternoon off.” Amber kept her voice bright.

“Girl talk time.” Ruby stared at her.

“We could have a client come in.”

“I put up the closed sign and locked the door.” Ruby perched her hip on the side of a table. “What is going on?”

“What do you mean?” Amber lowered her gaze.

“You didn’t come home last night.”

“Are you saying you didn’t spend the night with Peter?” Oh hell, she’d counted on Ruby being with Peter all night like she had every weekend.

“I did. So tell me about you and Gavin.”

“How the hell…” Her voice trailed off when she saw her sister grinning. “You tricked me.”

“Yes. Now spill.”

Amber shook her head. “Not here.” She didn’t want Martin walking in the back door from the event he was taking care of today.

“At home then.” Ruby straightened.

Martin came in, and Amber could have kissed him. “I need to help Martin.”

“You’re not getting out of this.”

Amber breathed a sigh of relief. At least, for the moment, she’d stonewalled her sister.

* * *

“Damn.”It was six fifteen when she pulled up in front of the cottage. She was running late.

“About time,” Ruby commented when she came in.

“No time.” Amber rushed into her bedroom. What was she going to wear tonight?

“I know.” Ruby followed her. “I took the liberty of selecting your dress.” She gestured to the bed.
